Father Of Vedic Maths And His Operations:
Shri Bharati Krishna Tirathji is called the father of vedic Maths. He took to self-realization at Shringeri Matha with the guidance of Shri Shankracharya, Shri Sachidananda Shiva Abhinava Narsimha Saraswati, He spent 7 years in deep meditation and study of Vedanta and lived the life of a Sadhu from 1911 to 1918. During this period, the 16 Sutras of Vedic Maths were made.After a brilliant University career he became a lecturer in Mathematics and Science in the Baroda College. Thereafter he became Principal of National College in Rajamundary, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaIn 1905 when the Freedom movement started in Bengal, Bharti Krishnaji participated in the freedom movement along with Shri Aurobindo Ghosh and Gopal Krishna Gokhale – an ardent nationalist. Bharti Krishnaji wrote to numerous newspapers propagating the freedom movement. He was also appointed “Warden of the Sons of India” by Dr.Annie Besant in 1908.

Vedic Math And Its Ideology
The most important feature of the Vedic Mathematics system of learning is its logical methodology. For example, the Nikhilam method in subtraction, the subtraction technique of all from nine and last from 10 does not require children to write the whole numerical question in a vertical order to do subtraction questions. With lesser time and lesser steps, it helps them solve it saving a lot of time. This is very easy to pick up. In the general multiplication method, for example, it is easily reversed to allow one-line divisions, and the simple squaring method can be reversed to show one-line square roots. Hence we see that it makes maths easy and one can do it with speed. There are many tricks for Vedic Maths for Faster Calculations.

Complex math involves complex reasoning and laborious effort. – Recognizing underlying patterns can speed the process.
The Kind Of Methodology Vedic Maths Reflects:
Vedic Mathematics Methods of doing Maths helps to solve difficult sums easily and quickly. And these are systematic methods implying these are far easier than conventional methods taught in the school. It reduces a lot of steps for children and thereby increases their speed of calculation making them competitive. Hence it school competitions and Olympiads kids trained with this system of learning do better than other otherwise. Nowadays the interest in Vedic System of Learning is growing a lot. The children are comfortably applying Vedic Sutras in Geometry, Calculus, Computing Etc.It is said “Practice Makes the Man Perfect” , the more you practice the better is the speed of calculation and mental maths of the students.

Reflection Of Vedic Maths In Real Life:
Vedic maths is completely accomplished in mind. Vedic math also begins at a primary level of numbers and slowly advances to easy additions, subtractions, multiplications and division. It takes of much more beyond the fundamental calculations. With Vedic methods, one can also figure out problematic