3 effective ways to develop a scientific mind in children!

Science has always been a realm in which less theory and more application are the only way to go. Scientific study or pursuit demands a prerequisite of a scientific mind which can only be developed through careful observation of phenomena and their effective application in daily, mundane life. Personality traits of children like deduction, analysis, quick wit and inquisitiveness do prove to be effective aids but the concrete development of a scientific mind in children is a gradual process and not an inherent skill. Here are three easy ways in which children can endeavor toward developing a scientific mind. 

  • Observing Nature and Natural Phenomena 

Scientific approach and analytical thinking stem from deep and focused observation of nature. Nature is the repository of all sciences and everything that surrounds us is a product of science in some way or other. Children should be greatly encouraged to observe nature in all its glory and greenery, with its extensive biodiversity. Natural phenomena like the rains, storms, cyclones and various seasons normally fascinate and be wilder to children. Such curiosity should be channelised in the correct direction by visually appealing imagery and explanation that would excite their young minds. 

  • Asking Questions and Seeking Answers

Children should be encouraged to ask as many questions as they like until and unless their query is quenched. This is what broadens the thinking outlook and diverted the horizons of thought. The simple act of asking questions and seeking their rightful answers has led to several successful discoveries, both planned and chance ones. Children are often forced to suppress their enquiry in the fear of judgements or self-doubt. A scientific environment must be designed for them where it is necessary to be conveyed to them that their open curiosity and creativity is always welcome and that they should keep asking and seeking and expressing however dumb or stupid or nonsensical their question may seem to them. 

  • Training And Stimulating Their Senses 

Children are inherently perceptive in nature and keenly observant, but to develop a scientific mind all the five senses should integrate simultaneously to gauge a problem. Stimulation can be done in various ways including visual stimulation using colourful and graphic art and pictures, informative documentaries and three dimensional models. Auditory stimulation is also done through experimentation with stress on natural sounds and how they are formed and why do we hear them the way we do. Science is what one perceives.

Biology As A Constant Hobby

What All One Can Learn Lifelong From Biology As A Hobby

 enjoy your biology class, like nature, animals, or plants, have an interest in medicine, or simply feel lots of curiosity about living things?

If so, you may be thinking about focusing on or majoring in biology. But you may also have some questions about biology as a career. Would you spend all your time in a lab, or marching through tropical jungles? Would you be able to make a living, and would your work help others and make a difference in the world? the answers depend a lot on exactly what you choose to do with your biology expertise! A biology background can be the gateway to many different careers, including various areas of research (such as biomedicine and ecology) as well as many non-research careers, such as teaching, science communication, and public policy. seeing examples of careers in biology and getting a sense of just how many different things you can do with this fascinating subject!

Pattern Of Nature

Biology Being The Key To Many Doors:

  • Doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant, genetic counselor
  • Conservation ecologist, environmental advocate
  • Laboratory or field researcher at a university or institute
  • Science writer (freelance, or as part of a company or non-profit)
  • Drug development researcher, biomedical device engineer
  • Food scientist or agricultural expert
  • Teacher, professor, outreach coordinator
  • Science policy advisor to the government or elected officials

That’s just a small sampling of the many possibilities!

How To Take Your Interest Further In The Subject:

Whatever job it is that interests you, it’s likely that there are some people in your community or nearby areas who are working in a similar role.

  • Consider emailing some of those people, introducing yourself, and asking if you could chat with them to learn more about their job. (This is called an informational interview).
  • You can even ask if they’d be willing to let let you do a job shadow, where you follow them around for a short period, such as a day or a week, to see what their job is actually like “on the ground.”

Make sure to be very polite when you contact someone for an informational interview or job shadow, and understand that some people may not have the time or ability to help you out. If you keep trying, though, you’ll likely find someone who can share their experiences (and may even become a mentor!).

Look for opportunities to get your toes wet in your chosen area.

 Getting this kind of experience is valuable for two reasons

: 1) it will help you learn skills and make professional connections, and

2) it will help you figure out if the career is actually something you enjoy and would want to do in the future.

Journey Of A Biologist


Do-it-yourself biology is a rather recent phenomenon and can be described as the pursuit of biology outside of scientific institutions by amateurs, students, “hobbyists”. As the “do-it-yourself” movement usually associated to home improvement, the idea is here also to build and create things oneself without the direct help of specialists.  Even though modern scientific challenges like synthetic biology are much discussed, the practice of DIY synthetic biology is very modest at this time. Instead, when doing wetlab work, DIY practitioners tend to focus on getting basic molecular biology protocols to work in their own settings. It is clear that individuals in the community do want to do more complex wetlab work, demonstrated by the presence of “Synthetic Biology crash courses” in DIYbio labs like Genspace or Biocurious. DIY biology practitioners are currently foremost working towards creating and tinkering with scientific hardware, software and experimental protocols. And it is by creatively designing and redesigning equipment and protocols that DIY biology can foster new scientific practices 

Hobbies That Will Make You Feel Productive

Do you think hobbies are a waste of time? Well, you need to think again. Hobbies not only provide pleasure but can also be productive. While choosing your hobbies, you should focus on your areas of interest and skills, so as to make the most of them. Your hobbies should be realistic and focus on long term benefits rather than just ways of passing time. The three things that you should keep in mind while choosing a hobby should be, the creative factor, productivity, and career prospects. In this article, we’re going to talk about some hobbies that will make you feel productive. 

  • Write A Story 

Writing something is always a productive option whether it’s something as basic as daily journaling, or something artistic like poetry or prose writing. It is one of the most effective and powerful skills that does not require too many resources. All you need is a notebook, and a pen, or simply, an electronic device. As far as creativity is concerned, writing holds a fairly high position in the list of most creative hobbies because it is limitless. Words can have no limit, and thus, there’s no end to the art of writing. You can write whatever you wish to and have your audience read your writing for as long as you want them to. When it comes to productivity, there could be no other hobby as productive as writing. Moreover, writing as a hobby can also turn out to be extremely beneficial for your career, if you choose to pursue it later in life. 

  • Engage In Yoga 

Yoga can be that change in your life that you have always wanted. It has miraculous benefits. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself! Not only can yoga make your body fitter, but it can also make your mind more stable by blocking out distractions and alleviating stress. If you develop a routine and are able to follow that everyday, you would notice positive changes in your lifestyle in no time. You would become more disciplined and positive in your approach and at the same time, have a stable fitness regime. If you have always craved for a dream body, this is the time to motivate yourself and kickstart the process of achieving it!  

  • Gardening 

If you’re looking for a hobby that’s extremely productive while at the same time is a stress-buster as well, you should nurture your love for growing plants and start gardening. It has been found out that gardening is not only great for controlling anxiety and depression, but it is also good for a holistic development. Moreover, who doesn’t like a regular homemade supply of fruits and veggies, right? You wouldn’t have to run to the market when guests arrive and you want to serve them good quality herbs. You could simply choose the best ones from your self-grown garden. Enough reason for you to start gardening? Knew it!  

Hobbies That Will Improve Your Quality Of Life

A hobby is something that you do for fun or pleasure. Since hobbies are leisure activities, many people discard hobbies as a “luxury” they cannot afford. Who has the time, right?
However, it turns out that a hobby is more than just a way to have fun. Picking up a hobby can be your creative outlet; it can give you a sense of self-efficacy, and it will keep your brain engaged as you have something to look forward to. Having a hobby is not just a way to pass the time; it can also improve the quality of your life. Here’s listing down a few of them;

  • Gardening
Let’s Try And Become Friends With The Greener World

Gardening is a surprisingly beneficial hobby. There’s the obvious benefit of growing your own fruits and vegetables, as well as pretty flowers, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Nurturing a plant from seed to fruit-bearing reinforces your ability to cause positive change in the world. The instinct and even enthusiasm for gardening thus appear to arise from some primitive response to nature, engendering a wish to produce growth and harmony in a creative partnership with it.
Multiple studies have shown that gardening reduces the incidence of dementia by 36%, and to top it all of, gardening puts you out in nature and gives you time to connect.

  • Cooking
Eat, Cook And Stay Healthy

Studies prove that those who cook their meals at home are healthier and live longer than those who regularly eat out. Nutritionist Kimberly Snyder indicates that when people pick out their own food at the grocery store, they buy less processed foods, less sugary foods, and less fat. Instead, they make healthier food choices, hence improving your quality of life. Cooking is as old as civilization itself, and observers have perceived it as both an art and a science. Its history sheds light on the very origins of human settlement, and its variety and traditions reflect unique social, cultural, and environmental influences. 
In addition, cooking at home helps you to save money and make more meaningful connections with your family and loved ones.

  • Reading

Reading is a lot more than just a pleasant pastime. Reading sharpens comprehension, teaches your mind to focus, and improves your vocabulary. It also boosts your brainpower: just like jogging gives your body a workout, reading gives your brain a workout.
Furthermore, studies show that reading can reduce stress by 69%. Since reading also helps you sleep better, a good time to practice this hobby is right before bedtime.

  • Writing/Journaling
Organizing Our Own Thoughts Can Make It Easier

Keeping a journal can help you organize your thoughts, plan how you’re going to achieve your goals, help you to solve problems and serve as a stress-relief mechanism. All this conclusively helps you to improve the quality of your life.
Finally, journaling can help you to know yourself better. You will be able to uncover what makes you happy and what’s draining you of energy. With that knowledge, you will do more of what brings you joy and distance yourself from people and situations that do not serve you well.

Hobbies That Are Good For Arthritis Patients

Arthritis is a condition that’s not just common in elderly people but is also diagnosed in middle-aged and young people as well. In this condition, the various joints of the body are affected. It causes considerable pain and swelling in the affected area. While it can happen in any joint of the body, it’s quite common in the joints of the hands. In such cases, the hands cannot be used much at all times for engaging in regular hobbies. However, some hobbies can not only be done regularly despite the condition of Arthritis but can also help reduce the symptoms of the same such as swelling and pain. In this article, we’re going to talk about these hobbies. 

  • Knitting 

It has been found out that knitting can turn out to be very beneficial for arthritis patients since it puts the fingers to exercise, thereby reducing their stiffness. If you work with needles and yarns in a gentle and controlled manner, it can go a long way in improving your Arthritis symptoms. An essential step that needs your attention is that you should always begin the process of knitting by doing some hand stretches. This step would make your hands more flexible and less prone to sudden pangs of pain. 

  • Gardening 

This one’s a hobby that has a wide plethora of benefits for us and our surroundings. It helps with Arthritis symptoms as well. Setting up the soil and pulling out weeds can be very beneficial for your fingers. However, you shouldn’t do it for long periods. Breaks in between are necessary for providing adequate rest to your hands. You should invest in plants that don’t require much maintenance to grow so that you can work with them at your convenience.

  • Painting 

Painting can cure your ailing mind for sure but not many people know that it can cure your ailing body as well. Holding the paintbrush to paint can prove to be very helpful for curtailing arthritis symptoms from the hands. Since painting involves the movement of the wrist, it could directly have an impact on the pain in your wrist joint. An arthritis patient should always use brushes and other tools that have ergonomic handles and are very lightweight to alleviate pain. With proper precautions, painting can turn out to be a blessing for treating a condition like arthritis. 

Hobbies for Elderly People

Elderly people often feel lonely, dejected, and out of work, especially in today’s urban lifestyle. They often have to stay away from their children and depression looms large. In such circumstances, elderly people must engage themselves in activities and hobbies that would keep their minds occupied and hearts full. It would assure both their physical and emotional well-being. Here are some hobbies listed for the elderly. 

  •  Reading

 Being in touch with books is one of the most useful hobbies for the elderly. Reading rejuvenates the mind and admonishes all negative feelings. Reading is also known to induce sound sleep that is extremely important for the elderly. Reading also promotes regular breathing and the proper functioning of the sleep-wake cycle. Reading is also known to control hypertension, irritability, and other such age-related problems. 

  • Gardening

Gardening is a hobby that is known to be cathartic for many elderly persons. Nurturing plants instills a sense of achievement and belonging, that relieves stress and anxiety. It also calms the mind and re-establishes hope and the beauty of new life. Gardening also instills a sense of guardianship that most elderly people miss during their post-retirement days. Moreover, having plants around is extremely healthy for our bodies. Therefore, elderly people should stay in places that have a lot of plants. 

  • Watching The Television 


Watching television is a very common hobby among elderly people. They spend a major part of their day watching their favorite shows. These can range from news updates to daily soaps to movies of different genres. This is a good hobby if it’s done within a limit. Since elderly people don’t go out often, watching the television enables them to stay updated about what’s happening around them. Moreover, when the younger members of the house leave for work, the television is their only companion. However, watching too much of it can affect their eyesight. Thus, doctors recommend elderly people watch less television and do more activities that do not require a screen. 


Now that we’ve mentioned some of the best hobbies for elderly people, you won’t have a difficult time trying to figure out leisure ideas for your aging parents and relatives. Taking care of their mental health is as important as their physical health. 

Hobbies That Benefit Others: Make A Difference In The World

When you help someone when they are down and need a little bit of support, they are very likely to remember your good deeds in future, which may help you save your skin at some point. Helping others in your downtime can prove to be downright therapeutic.
Let’s take a look at some of the most delightful pursuits for helping others out.

  • Volunteering

Perhaps the most on-the-nose hobby for helping others is volunteering.
The reward is often in knowing you have been able to change someone’s day for the better where it might not have been otherwise.
Volunteering is easy to do, and you can approach numerous charities that are local to your area, allowing you to help out with any jobs available.
Volunteers are amazing people, spreading joy and compassion; they travel around the world to do what’s needed and whenever it’s needed.

  • Fitness instructing

If you have a penchant for physical well-being, then it could be worth diverting some of your time to help other people get fit too.
You can start with a friend or a family member, especially if they’re overweight or don’t know how to get started in the world of working out.
Eventually, you could move on to doing YouTube tutorials, scheming out workout plans that could help you reach far more people in one go.
The modern western world currently has an obesity epidemic, and it’s not going to go away overnight; this is why we need people who can inspire, motivate, and ultimately teach others how to get in shape and stay in shape. Your training will identify what guidance people need in terms of their fitness, leading them the right way.

  • Teaching

Educating others is a remarkable way to impact a person positively. It could be helping them get to grips with something they may not understand or could also be something they want to try but do not know how to initiate. You could be helping them to understand technology, learning a language or performing a practical task.
Even something as candid as teaching your kid brother or sister how to complete some homework is a great way to return positive energy into the world.

  • Gardening

You can practice multiple environment-friendly habits while being home such as recycling and using materials that are not detrimental to wildlife or habitat. However, one of the most enjoyable environment-friendly hobbies is gardening.
The American Community Gardening Association recognizes that community gardening improves the quality of life by providing a catalyst for neighbourhood and community development, stimulating social interaction, encouraging self-reliance, beautifying neighbourhoods and conserving resources.

The Bottom Line

Putting positive energy into the universe generally perpetuates more good deeds to be returned.
Hopefully, some of these hobbies will give you a bit of inspiration or may prompt you to offer your services for free to those in need.

Hobbies That Should Be Performed Daily To Stay Motivated

If one wants to stay motivated and prompt in life, there are certain activities or hobbies that one should bring up to their daily routine and follow regularly. Read further to learn about the four simplest hobbies that you should embrace in your routine life to stay motivated.

  • Meditation

The first and foremost indispensable custom in one’s life should be meditation. One should remain firm to meditate daily. Meditation teaches us to recognize our thoughts that may be harmful or self-defeating. The idea is that as you gain greater awareness of your thought habits, you can point them towards more constructive patterns. If one maintains regularity, meditation could help them control and redirect the racing or runaway thoughts that often lead to insomnia. Thereby resulting, better sleep and maximization of incitation which further results in a stable and unruffled mental state.

  • Picking up a book (Reading)

Along with meditation, one should practice reading (at least a page or two) regularly. Reading will not only involve you in a particular work process but also better your grammar and vocabulary. Reading novels composed by adroit authors carry numerous quotes which sequentially assists in keeping our spirit motivated. If one becomes accustomed to reading, it can undoubtedly prove to be an immense avocation.

  • Listening to Music

Furthermore, another hobby which one should imbibe in their daily routine to stay motivated is listening to music. It might sound lame, but it does influence your motivational level. Listening to a piece of music or two every day assuredly makes a vital shift to our mental state.
Music can improve mood, decrease pain and anxiety, and facilitate opportunities for emotional expression. Studies have shown that listening to music can help calm you in situations where you might feel anxious.

  • Home Gardening/Planting

What could be better than gardening for yourself? Gardening is profitable for both the mind and body and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Moreover, you get to eat the delicious fruits, vegetables and herbs that you grow. When you practice home gardening regularly, your brain benefits prominently from the time spent in the garden. Being outside in the fresh air and sunshine is an effective way to boost your mood and de-stress. If something is weighing heavily on your mind, gardening can allow you to focus on an activity that will bring you joy; and hence, motivate you.
Gardening is also an excellent opportunity to try new healthy foods that help you and your family become more adventurous eaters. Growing a variety of food is as fun as it is healthy.


When things get hopeless, remind yourself that there is a new reading challenge in front of you or a newly released song that you can relish. These hobbies are not a distraction; they are instead a reminder that regardless of the struggles in our lives, we always have a spark that can brighten our days.
With the progressive steps and daily emergence in the hobbies discussed above, we can transfer the earned enthusiasm to every other activity we undertake. These will reciprocate us with a tremendous feeling of contentment and provide motivation for our future goals.

Gardening: The Most Refreshing Hobby

Hobbies are essential for giving us pleasure and enriching ourselves. Earning from hobbies is secondary. However, gardening as a hobby is extremely fulfilling and has scopes for earning money as well. If being around plants and nurturing them makes you happy, gardening can be amazing for you. 

Read along to find out why gardening as a hobby is one of the most refreshing activities for the well-being of your mind and body and is highly recommended for everyone. Whether you have a small home or a large house, you should always have some space for a few plants. 

  • Oxygenated Air 

Gardening as a hobby, or staying around plants would automatically require you to come close to nature and experience its goodness. People are often advised to keep plants in their homes or grow out gardens, because of the benefits they have on our surroundings. The air you breathe would become cleaner and oxygenated, and keep you away from health hazards. 

  • Organic Food 

Having a garden at home can be a blessing, as far as eating healthy is concerned. The foods that are sold in the market, labeled as organic, cannot be trusted enough nowadays. Hence, the best way to eat completely organic food is by growing your fruits and vegetables at home and consuming them. In this way, you would be able to maintain your healthy food habits. Gardening as a hobby wouldn’t just affect your health but have a positive impact on the health of your family members as well. 

  • Business Opportunities 

For those who’re passionate about gardening and are interested to make a career out of it, there are well-paying business opportunities for them. You can grow organic products and different plant species at home, and start selling them to people who need them. Home-based businesses are always trusted more than market-based businesses. 


Gardening as a hobby teaches us about the importance of sustainability and conservation. It’s a very significant hobby, especially for children, who should be made aware of the importance of being around plants and treating them with care. 

4 Relaxing Hobbies For Women In Their 30s

Women in their 30s spend a major part of their day working or doing house chores. The rest of it is spent scrolling through social media or watching something on OTT platforms. With the pandemic-inducing lifestyle changes, we’re forced to keep our eyes glued to the screen all day. It’s time for women to think about doing things that they love, and we’re here to help them with that. The following hobbies for women in their 30s are not just relaxing, but useful as well. 

  • Baking 

Baking is therapeutic, they say and we certainly agree. If you’re someone who enjoys baking or is interested to learn how to do it, you can turn it into a fun hobby. Look for new recipes or create your own, and make some sumptuous desserts for your family and loved ones. 

  • Gardening 

This is one of the most relaxing hobbies for women in their 30s. Gardening is not just for those who own huge gardens with various plants. It can be as simple as taking care of your tiny plants on your balcony and watering them regularly. The satisfaction you would get by seeing them grow with time is immense. Gradually, you can even grow out your fruits and vegetables and consume them. 

  • Weaving 

Remember the warm and fuzzy winter clothes, and pretty cotton handkerchiefs that your grandmother used to make for you? You can weave or knit items for your loved ones in the same way, and shower them with handmade gifts on their special days. This is one of those hobbies for women in their 30s, that’ll be useful even if you’re a mother. You can make so many things for your child to cheer them up. 

  • Makeup 

Makeup is not just for days that require decking up. For many women, makeup is a hobby that makes them feel happy and relaxed. Do you like experimenting with your makeup? Well, you should surely start making tutorials that would inspire others to do the same. In this way, you’d get a good social media following as well. 

Hobbies To Enjoy In Your Late 50s

As we get on in years, it’s vital to have fun activities in hand worthy of lending our spare time. Having interesting hobbies keeps our minds and bodies active while we transition into our senior years. It is the time to plug in our passion and see what sparks our curiosity. However, sometimes we fail to analyse the most suitable hobbies to be pursued in our late years.

Here’s listing down some of the most enjoyable hobbies to be enjoyed in your late 50s.

  • Cooking

Cooking can provide you with loads of benefits, and fortunately, you don’t have to worry if you’re a beginner. There are plenty of guides and recipes available to learn how to amend your dishes. To avoid feeling lonely, cooking a meal is the perfect way to learn something productive and bring the family together.

  • Gardening

Recent research proved that 80% of the elderly loves to spend time with nature. Gardening is hands down one of the best ways to keep you in touch with the beauty of creation, and once you get the hang of it, it can become rather addictive. Gardening is a pursuit that is good for both the mind and body. It is a fun activity that keeps you healthy.

  • Reading

Reading is one of the most classic listings on the list of hobbies to be enjoyed in your late 50s. It renders tons of genres to choose from, which means there will surely be something for everyone. Besides being an immensely relaxing activity, reading benefits memory, sharpens decision-making skills, reduces stress, and promotes healthy sleep.

  • Community groups

Loneliness is one of the predicaments that frighten us as we grow older. Fortunately, there are many community associations based on several different hobbies and interests. Arts & Crafts for beginners, board game cafes, exercise classes such as yoga, cooking classes, dancing, sports and book clubs are the most popular community groups that one can easily find.

  • Travelling

Travelling is beyond doubt the safest method to make the best use of your leisure time. It renews the thrills that keep interests alive. Travelling ticks all the boxes required for a good hobby; it is exciting, enchanting, rejuvenating and refreshing for the soul.

These were some of the most delightful hobbies that would make sure to kick boredom out of your life in your late 50s. These pursuits can keep you socially active and facilitate your health at the same time. Besides these, Yoga, Zumba, meditation and social work are a few more hobbies that one can cultivate in his late 50s.

Unique Hobby Ideas For Kids

Introducing kids to various hobbies is of utmost importance, especially in these times of crisis, when they’re mostly used to doing things online. The lives of children have come down to staring at the screen all day long, instead of going to school and having physical interactions. However, we’ve got to find out ways to make their lives more fun and interesting by engaging them in activities apart from academics. 

If you encourage your child to participate in a diverse range of activities, they might even discover their interests and the hobbies that fascinate them the most. Here are a few unique hobbies for kids to enjoy!

  • Cartoon Drawing 

Most kids love watching their favorite cartoons, both on the television, as well as on OTT platforms. The fictional characters of these shows become their best buddies while all their meals. If your kid is good at art, you can encourage them to recreate their favorite cartoon characters. This would interest your child, and nurture their skills at the same time. 

  • Dancing 

It’s hard to convince young children to participate in physical activities. However, when it comes to dancing, convincing wouldn’t need any effort. Kids love to dance, and there could be no better way to maintain their fitness, while developing other skills as well, such as those of rhythm, the sense of sound, beats, etc. 

  • Storytelling 

Hobbies for kids are not just for the sake of fun, but they help in formulating some of the most essential qualities of life. Children love listening to stories and narrating stories. Encouraging them to narrate stories is a very good way of developing their language and linguistics as well. 

  • Gardening 

Hobbies for kids should always include gardening. This might refer to a whole bunch of things, such as watering the plants, painting flower pots, etc. These hobbies would also ensure that children learn more about plants and their functioning, thus extending their horizons as well. 


We have talked about some of the most unique and essential hobbies for kids that should surely be a part of their daily routines. If you’re new to parenting, introducing these hobbies to your children would certainly make a difference!