Beyond The Voice


In the beginning was the voice. Voice is sounding breath, the audible sign of life.

It is likely the earliest singing was individualistic and improvisatory, a simple imitation of the sounds heard in nature. Many anthropologists believe the development of a lowered larynx (important to articulate speech, as it effectively makes the flexible lower tongue the front wall of the pharynx) was a relatively recent aspect of human evolution. Three styles of chant melody evolved: syllabic (for clergy and congregation), neumatic (several notes to a syllable, for choristers) and melismatic (florid, for soloists). Metricity in either chant texts or melodies was uncommon, but occurred as early as the fourth century, In the graphic art of the Middle Ages, singers were often shown with strained expressions, their furrowed brows, protruding veins and exaggerated mouth positions suggesting an effortful, possibly nasal quality–twangy or reedy–like the instrumental colors of the time. Chaucer, in his fourteenth century Canterbury Tales, described singing of the time as being ‘intoned through the nose’. Straight tone was the probable norm, with vibrato being reserved for use as an ornament, as were a stock of ancient vocal devices: portamenti, turns, trills, and the intentional use of the qualities of the various vocal registers. The yodel was probably used as well.


Singing voices are classified into six main groups: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, and bass. There are also commonly used subgroups, such as dramatic as opposed to lyric, or spinto, coloratura, soubrette, and so on. The main criterion for this classification is the singer’s comfortable pitch range. low voices tend to have long vocal tracts and vice versa. Thus, sopranos tend to have the shortest pharynges and basses the longest Thus, sopranos tend to have the shortest pharynges and basses the longest a given pitch, singers with a higher pitch range should tend to have a weaker voice-source fundamental than singers with a lower pitch range.


In the act of singing (with words) there is a smooth integration of the neural systems producing speech and singing. We know that in terms of activation, these systems seem to exhibit a significant degree of overlap asymmetries may reflect complementary specializations that arose specifically to serve the simultaneous demands inherent in producing speech (words with prosodic intonation) or song (melody with lyrics). Regardless of its evolutionary origins, song production, like song perception, calls upon a combination of functions, some of whose components appear to exhibit opposite hemisphere asymmetries. Temporal lobe areas were activated bilaterally during song imagery, consistent with the integrated nature of melody and lyrics in song representations. During actual singing, temporal lobe activation would be predominantly driven by the processing of auditory feedback. It remains to be demonstrated whether song singing will result in strongly right hemisphere asymmetric activation, as does simple singing without words, or in significant activation of left temporal lobe areas associated with language comprehension.

Rapping As A Hobby

Rapping is a hobby that can be treated as a musical hobby. It is the art of spreading socially important messages with the help of poetry and rhythm. It is associated with the hip-hop genre. Rapping as a hobby started to gain momentum in the ’80s when the youngsters started writing lyrics condemning social evils such as discrimination, racism, casteism, and violence of any kind. It is a way of letting people know about things that require attention such that it would reach more people and leave a mark in their hearts. Rapping can turn out to be one of the best hobbies you can think of because of several benefits. 

  • Vocabulary 

Words form the backbone of a rap. If you engage in rapping, it would require you to keep reading and expanding your vocabulary and knowledge. You would have to learn new words and stay notified about things that are going around you so that you’re able to raise the right concerns through your art. Thus, with time, you’d have an extensive vocabulary and awareness about issues that require scrutiny. This would in turn lead to your growth not just as an artist but as an individual as well. Rapping might be an underrated hobby especially in Indian households, but once people try and admit its potential, there’s no looking back. 

  • Sense Of Beats  

The one thing that separates rapping from reciting poetry is the musical aspect of rapping. Along with a grip on words, you would also require a great sense of beats and rhythm to make your rap appealing to a large audience. While composing a rap, one should always keep in mind the target audience. Raps are usually made to sensitize the youth and spread awareness among them. Thus, the beats should be fast-paced and impactful for the words to come out loud and clear. 

  • Awareness 

While rap music is used for various purposes nowadays, its main motive was to spread awareness. If you believe in educating people and showcasing the reality, rapping could be a great tool for you to succeed in the same. Moreover, it would require you to be up to date with all important events around you, thereby expanding your horizon. Are you inspired to explore a new hobby yet? It’s time to make some noise with your art! 

Hobbies For Voice Artists

Voice is the most essential part of voice acting and thus, people who belong to this profession take extra care. If you belong to the same and you want to develop hobbies that are related to the usage of voice, you’re at the right place! In this article, we’re going to talk about some hobbies for voice artists! 

  • Audio Plays 

Audio plays or dramas are pieces of literature that are now available in an audio file, instead of having visuals to them. The best part about audio plays is, you can hear them whenever you can. Goes without saying that the most important part played in an audio play is that of the voice of an actor. The entire plot of the play depends on the voice artists who would take the story further. If you have been interested in acting but are too shy or introverted to face the camera, participating in audio plays can be a good alternative for you. 

  • Radio Jockey 

A radio jockey is usually a voice artist who conducts radio programs. The identity of most of these people is solely their voice. Their tonal quality and voice throwing is what defines them. The skills required for becoming a radio jockey are spontaneous wit, great communication skills, and a unique voice. If you qualify for all this, you can easily succeed in becoming one. This is not a very common hobby and if you start at a young age, it would be easier with them. What are you waiting for? Get started already! 

  • Anchoring 

Anchoring is a hobby that is great for people who can modulate their voices well. However, if you feel that you need to be street smart and extroverted for this particular hobby, that isn’t the case. If you don’t want to appear in front of the camera, you can opt for podcasting or audio talk shows.  However, if you want to train yourself to face the camera and enhance your communication skills, anchoring is the best way to do so. 


Now that you know what hobbies to turn to in case you want to become a voice artist, you should start researching more and do whatever suits your preference. If you’re passionate enough, your voice can spread far and wide in no time.