Rapping As A Hobby

Rapping is a hobby that can be treated as a musical hobby. It is the art of spreading socially important messages with the help of poetry and rhythm. It is associated with the hip-hop genre. Rapping as a hobby started to gain momentum in the ’80s when the youngsters started writing lyrics condemning social evils such as discrimination, racism, casteism, and violence of any kind. It is a way of letting people know about things that require attention such that it would reach more people and leave a mark in their hearts. Rapping can turn out to be one of the best hobbies you can think of because of several benefits. 

  • Vocabulary 

Words form the backbone of a rap. If you engage in rapping, it would require you to keep reading and expanding your vocabulary and knowledge. You would have to learn new words and stay notified about things that are going around you so that you’re able to raise the right concerns through your art. Thus, with time, you’d have an extensive vocabulary and awareness about issues that require scrutiny. This would in turn lead to your growth not just as an artist but as an individual as well. Rapping might be an underrated hobby especially in Indian households, but once people try and admit its potential, there’s no looking back. 

  • Sense Of Beats  

The one thing that separates rapping from reciting poetry is the musical aspect of rapping. Along with a grip on words, you would also require a great sense of beats and rhythm to make your rap appealing to a large audience. While composing a rap, one should always keep in mind the target audience. Raps are usually made to sensitize the youth and spread awareness among them. Thus, the beats should be fast-paced and impactful for the words to come out loud and clear. 

  • Awareness 

While rap music is used for various purposes nowadays, its main motive was to spread awareness. If you believe in educating people and showcasing the reality, rapping could be a great tool for you to succeed in the same. Moreover, it would require you to be up to date with all important events around you, thereby expanding your horizon. Are you inspired to explore a new hobby yet? It’s time to make some noise with your art! 

Hobbies That Involve Music (for music enthusiasts)

If you want to discover a new hobby, music should top your list. Music is something that comforts almost every one of us. It can lift your mood, help you make sense of the world around you, connect you with other people, as well as inspire you. Making your new hobby in music can heal your body and your soul, making you a happier, well-rounded person. If you happen to be a music lover and are curious about music-related activities, you will find this article insightful as it lists a few interesting hobbies for you.

  • Music making

Music-making is prevailing for its incredible diversity. It’s an activity that can be done with a plethora of instruments, which means a variety of playing styles and creating music uniquely. There is an interpersonal aspect to music as you communicate something to your audience, be it your emotions or a message. Playing instruments is a constant learning process; it calls for all the senses and is a powerful stimulus for the brain because it keeps it active the whole time.

  • Singing

Singing is one of the cheapest music hobbies to pursue. You don’t need to expert or require a good voice for choosing singing as a hobby; you can hum your favourite tunes anytime, anywhere. Singing as a hobby is extremely enjoyable, comforting and rewarding.
Singing is a relaxing music hobby that calms your mind; it is an antidepressant produced naturally. It gives you pleasure and takes your mind off the problems for the day, thereby improves your mood.
If you have a decent singing voice, you must consider doing backup vocals for artists or groups.

  • Songwriting

Songwriting is another fun hobby that you can pick up. This music hobby would be ideal for you if you enjoy writing and wish to merge that with your love for music. Writing songs can be a great way to express your love for music and therapeutic as you can musically express your emotions. You can decide to share these songs online, give them to upcoming artists or sell them if you want to make money from your writing.
Songwriting is an exciting craft and takes a good amount of effort and constant practice.

  • Starting a Music Blog

Blogs are massively increasing in popularity these days as people are constantly online looking for information. If you want a music hobby to keep busy with your interest in music, you should consider starting a music blog. You can post content related to music and engage with other people who share the same passion. You can either post content about music from a broad perspective or narrow down and choose a niche.