According to experts, people who engage in hobbies and activities are always found to be happier and more at peace than those who don’t. In this article, we’re going to talk about hobbies that you can do in your vacations that are separate from your academics but would also help in your holistic development. These hobbies can be done alone, and as well as in groups. You should focus on enjoying them and using your time effectively, instead of wasting your vacation sitting idle or watching television. If you go on to explore, there are tons of things that you can do. 

  • Letter Writing 

In this digital era, how often do we make an effort to write handwritten letters for our loved ones? Most of us don’t and we’re not even aware of its essence. On this vacation, you should invest your time in learning how to write letters. Invest in good-quality sheets and begin writing letters for those who matter to you. You can even make personalized envelopes and use cute stamps to make the experience even more wholesome. If you do the entire process of writing the letter, and posting it to the right address, it’s going to be extremely special and satisfying. You can make this a trend and write letters for your friends and family on their special days and make them feel important. 

  • Camping 

Camping with your friends and family is the most delightful experience during vacations. You don’t always have to choose venues far from home. You can begin your camping experience from somewhere as close as your backyard or garden. Invest in small tents and experience the camping vibe to its fullest. You can spend the night watching the stars, listening to the birds, and narrating exciting stories. You should also have delicious goodies and snacks in the tents so that you can munch on them whenever you feel like it. 

  • Ballroom Dancing 

Remember how excited we used to be as children when we used to watch our favorite actors dancing in a ball? I’m sure all of us have wanted to be in their place at some point in our lives. This vacation, use your time to learn ballroom dancing and fulfill your childhood dream. All you need to do is watch free online tutorials and start dancing with your partner. You can do it with a friend, or even your sibling. So the next time someone special asks you for a dance, you’re going to slay it for sure. Are you ready to be the life of the party? Get started with the lessons already! 

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