Volunteering or community service is a hobby that should be chosen by the majority of the youth all over the world, especially in developing nations like ours. When you choose to help those who’re in need or to bring about change in society, you contribute towards progress. In this article, we are going to talk about community service hobbies that would lead to your personality development and make you a better human being. Moreover, these hobbies would look great on your resume, and help you make a good career as well. 

  • Sheltering Animals 

Providing shelter to animals is a very good way of serving your community. More often than not, stray animals don’t get adequate care and nutrition. Moreover, these animals face harsh weather conditions that turn out to be harmful to them. You can give shelter to these lost or abandoned animals and provide them with conducive conditions to survive. You can even organize a rescue team that would go around specific areas looking for animals that are in dire need of help. 

  • Helping The Poor 

Community service hobbies could also include helping people who’re not privileged and do not even get adequate food supplies. There are a lot of governmental and non-governmental organizations that work towards the development of people who do not have the necessary resources. You can volunteer for such organizations and help feed the poor. On a small scale, you can start from your locality. Providing meals to the needy even in your neighborhood can go a long way in initiating change. 

  • Educating Underprivileged Children

If you’re someone from a privileged background, you should use your education as a means to help those who require it but cannot afford it. There are tons of children, teens, and young adults who want to acquire education but are unable to do so due to the lack of money. If you volunteer to teach them, you would also get to interact with them and know more about them. Moreover, if you’re considering an academic career, teaching would be great for you. Community service hobbies are not just hobbies but are extremely essential for every individual. 

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