Monsoon is short-lived but the beautiful weather calls for some fun activities. The gloomy monsoon weather is great for spending some time with your family and loved ones or simply having a calming time in your own company. You can either go and enjoy the chilly rains or cozily curl up in your bed, and engage in your favorite hobbies. If you don’t have the right kind of hobbies in mind, you’re at the right place. In this article, we’re going to talk about hobbies that are good for the monsoon season.
- Reading Books
Imagine having a cozy time on your bed and reading your favorite book, while you’re able to hear the sound of raindrops falling outside. The cherry on the cake would be a steaming cup of coffee or hot chocolate. The rainy season has a great tranquil aura and sets the perfect mood to read books. This is the time to finish reading all the books that you’ve been meaning to complete. Are you ready to finish the mystery book you’ve been reading for a while now? Do it this monsoon!
- Playing Football

Going out to simply get wet in the rain is basic. But when you have a football with you, the excitement increases manifold. Playing football in the rain is an emotion for several individuals. It’s quite common for school goers. Your clothes might get muddy by the end of the game but the feeling of enjoyment surpasses everything else. You should surely try playing football with your friends during the monsoon. This monsoon, have the time of your lives with your neighborhood friends and enjoy the essence of the rains. However, make sure to take care of your health after you’re back since you might catch a cold.
- Beauty Treatments
Skincare and haircare are very important during the monsoon season because the skin and hair tend to undergo a lot of seasonal changes and become more prone to damage. You should research different skin and hair treatments that are suitable for you and get them done in the comfort of your home. Make sure that these treatments are as natural as possible because using a lot of chemicals isn’t advisable during this season. Following a proper regime is of utmost importance during monsoon, if you want to maintain your skin and hair quality. What could be better than pampering yourself while watching the beautiful sight of the rains outside, isn’t it?