10 Courses to Enhance Your Talents

Enhancing your talent involves a combination of practice, education, and mindset. Here are some strategies to help you improve your skills and abilities:

1 – Creative Writing: Exploring creative writing can uncover hidden talents for storytelling, character development, and linguistic expression.
2 – Drawing and Painting: Delving into the world of visual arts through drawing and painting can reveal innate talents for design, composition, and color theory.
3 – Music: Learning to play a musical instrument or composing music taps into talents for rhythm, melody, and harmony.
4 – Photography: Taking up photography as a hobby encourages the development of an eye for composition, lighting, and storytelling through images.
5 – Crafting and DIY Projects: Engaging in crafting activities such as knitting, woodworking, or pottery uncovers talents for craftsmanship, attention to detail, and problem-solving.
6 – Cooking and Baking: Exploring the culinary arts through cooking and baking allows for experimentation with flavors, techniques, and presentation.
7 – Gardening and Horticulture: Tending to a garden or cultivating plants nurtures talents for nurturing, patience, and horticultural knowledge.
8 – Acting and Performing Arts: Exploring acting, improvisation, or other performing arts disciplines nurtures talents for expression, characterization, and stage presence.
9 – Language Learning Program: Learning a new language not only broadens your cultural horizons but also enhances cognitive abilities and opens up new career opportunities.
10 – Public Speaking Course : Effective communication is a valuable skill in both personal and professional spheres. A public speaking course helps you overcome stage fright, structure compelling speeches, and captivate your audience with confidence and charisma.

Wizhob provides a platform that empowers individuals to excel in their talent , regardless of their skill level. Serving as a welcoming space for hobbyists, Wizhob stands out as an opportunity for growth and learning. With its intuitive interface and extensive resources, Wizhob ensures that mastering your hobby is a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Wizhob provides a platform that empowers individuals to excel in their talent , regardless of their skill level. Serving as a welcoming space for hobbyists, Wizhob stands out as an opportunity for growth and learning. With its intuitive interface and extensive resources, Wizhob ensures that mastering your hobby is a smooth and enjoyable experience.

3 Exciting Science Experiments That Will Amaze You!

Science as a subject has always been associated with a wide variety of practical experiments as its core matter and content. Keen observation and effective application of the learnt inferences are the two central focuses of science enthusiasts everywhere. Here are a few super easy-to-perform and exciting science experiments that will surely leave you marveling.

  • The Acid-Base Neutralization Experiment 

Chemistry and its various topics and equations can get on the nerves of students across all age groups. To make it interesting and fun, one of the most popular experiments is that of feeling the fizz. The prerequisites are a bowl, some like juice and baking soda. At first, baking soda is emptied onto the bowl. Then a small quantity of lime juice is squeezed over it. Almost immediately there’s the sound of fizz along with the appearance of bubbles. This is due to the neutralisation reaction that would’ve taken place due to the combination of the basic baking soda and acidic lime juice. The fizzing sound and effervescence are due to the evolution of carbon dioxide gas. 

  • The Reflection of Light on Paper Experiment 

Science and its quirks are never-ending and these fascinating experiments prove this fact time and again. The reflection of light on the paper experiment aims to practically demonstrate a key concept of physics, that is the reflection of light. The prerequisites of this experiment are a small mirror or magnifying glass, a piece of paper and a fairly sunlit room or balcony. In this experiment, the mirror is held close to the piece of paper and tilted at an angle to the source of light which is the window from where the light is entering, in this case. The set-up is such that the light rays coming from outside get reflected in the glass and then get concentrated in a small area on the piece of paper. If carried out properly and with patience, after some time the small area on the paper starts to feel extremely heated on touching. When continued vigorously, the portion can also show signs of charring. This incredible experiment singly explains two properties, one that of the bending property of light and also that heat energy is dissipated in the process. 

  • The Inverted Glass Experiment 

This amazing experiment explains the concepts of gravity and atmospheric pressure. The requirements are a glass filled with water and a thick piece of paper. In the experiment, the glass is filled with water and is gently covered by a thick piece of paper or cardboard and then it is inverted over the sink. The water and the paper remain in place.

Evolutionary Vocals And Strings

“Reese sucked in a breath and played faster, hurling the anger through his fingers until it spun all his
fear, all his rage, into the gentle voice of music.”
― Willowy Whisper

Vocals and guitar being a parallel mate:

Being able to play the guitar and sing at the same time makes the performance much more engaging for the audience, and allows everyone to get involved. Furthermore, if you’re a working musician, it’s easier to get a gig if you can do both. Depending on how experienced you are, playing the guitar and singing at the same time may be easier for some than it is for others. Play the guitar part of the song you’re learning over and over again without singing.

“The history of music is mortal, but the idiocy of the guitar is eternal.”

Evolution of guitar:
The exact origin of the guitar is still a mystery. The word “guitar” probably comes from the ancient Greek word κιθάρα (kithara). Mythology attributes Hermes with creating the first kithara from a tortoise shell, but many likenesses of Apollo show him with this instrument. The ancient musician typically played the strings with a plectrum, which is an early version of the modern pick. The player would use his or her left-hand fingers to dampen unwanted strings and, at times, stop the strings or produce harmony with their left hand. Solo musicians would sometimes pluck the strings with the fingers of both hands.

Shapes of guitar from prehistory to history:

The history of the guitar generally goes back to two instruments, the oud and the lute, which predate written history. The evolution of Spanish guitars settled by the 1790s; they had the standard body type and six courses of strings that resemble the modern guitar but were smaller. Spanish musician and guitar maker Antonio de Torres Jurado changed all that in the mid-1800s when he created the style of guitar that gave rise to all guitars to follow. His guitars featured a broadened body, thinned belly and increased curve at the waist. He also replaced wooden tuning pegs with a machined head. 

Playing the guitar is your hobby

Well, initially everything starts with the infrastructure. So you need to have a guitar first. Before buying a guitar you to understand the fact that you need to give a lot of time at the initial stages to learn the guitar secondly there is not a hard and fast rule to learn a guitar. Initially, you will find yourself helpless to play the guitar because your fingers will not move on strings but after 10 days you will see that your fingers are moving automatically. Initially, your hands will hurt you while pressing the metal strings but after some time they will become hard and won’t hurt anymore. when you are in tension, just pick the guitar and play it. You will surely get out of your stress quickly. It is proven that a musical instrument which sounds good tends to heal your stress and your soul if you are suffering from any thought-related diseases.

“Music shouldn’t be just a tune, it should be a touch.”

From Basic Math To Vedic Math

Focus Of Vedic Math:

Vedic Mathematics is a collection of ancient tricks and techniques to execute arithmetic operations quickly and more efficiently. Vedic Math comes from the Vedas, more specifically the Atharva Veda. It was revived by Indian mathematician Jagadguru Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji between 1911 and 1918. He then published this work in a book called Vedic Mathematics in 1965. It comprises 16 sutras (formulae) and 13 sub sutras. Vedic Math is an ancient technique that simplifies multiplication, divisibility, complex numbers, squaring, cubing, square roots, cube roots, recurring decimals, and auxiliary fractions.

Introduction Of Veda’s and Sutra’s

Why One Should Know Vedic Math?

  • *Makes elementary calculation 10-15 times faster
  • *Helps in accurate guessing
  • *Useful for all classes
  • *Reduces burden (need to learn tables up to 9 only)
  • *A magical tool to reduce finger counting and rough work
  • *Increases concentration
  • *Helps in reducing silly mistakes
  • Vedic maths provides answers in one line, as opposed to the several steps of traditional mathematics. There are six Vedanganas. The Jyotish Shastra is one of the six. Vedic Math forms part of this Jyotish Shastra. Vedic maths consists of 3 segments or ‘skandas’ (branches). The beauty of Vedic Math lies in its simplicity; all calculations can be done on pen and paper. The approach to solve problems stimulates and sharpens the mind, memory, and focus. It improves creativity and promotes innovation.
The Most Honest Calculation

Vedic Math In Modern times

The portrayal of distinct brain zones engaged in highly active activity dealing with mathematics is at the heart of a growing neuroscientific knowledge of the mathematical functioning of human brains As a result, the presence of mind and the capture of thoughts while presenting the problem are just as important as the solution to the problem.

Vedic mathematics aids in mental computations that are both faster and more accurate. This combines 16 Sutras and 13 up Sutras. Mental calculations are beneficial to answer any complex equation in addition, division, multiplication, algebra, trigonometry, square, square root, cube, and cube root. And this is an ever-changing epoch in the human history.

Easy answers to the Difficult Learning

Beyond The Voice


In the beginning was the voice. Voice is sounding breath, the audible sign of life.

It is likely the earliest singing was individualistic and improvisatory, a simple imitation of the sounds heard in nature. Many anthropologists believe the development of a lowered larynx (important to articulate speech, as it effectively makes the flexible lower tongue the front wall of the pharynx) was a relatively recent aspect of human evolution. Three styles of chant melody evolved: syllabic (for clergy and congregation), neumatic (several notes to a syllable, for choristers) and melismatic (florid, for soloists). Metricity in either chant texts or melodies was uncommon, but occurred as early as the fourth century, In the graphic art of the Middle Ages, singers were often shown with strained expressions, their furrowed brows, protruding veins and exaggerated mouth positions suggesting an effortful, possibly nasal quality–twangy or reedy–like the instrumental colors of the time. Chaucer, in his fourteenth century Canterbury Tales, described singing of the time as being ‘intoned through the nose’. Straight tone was the probable norm, with vibrato being reserved for use as an ornament, as were a stock of ancient vocal devices: portamenti, turns, trills, and the intentional use of the qualities of the various vocal registers. The yodel was probably used as well.


Singing voices are classified into six main groups: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, and bass. There are also commonly used subgroups, such as dramatic as opposed to lyric, or spinto, coloratura, soubrette, and so on. The main criterion for this classification is the singer’s comfortable pitch range. low voices tend to have long vocal tracts and vice versa. Thus, sopranos tend to have the shortest pharynges and basses the longest Thus, sopranos tend to have the shortest pharynges and basses the longest a given pitch, singers with a higher pitch range should tend to have a weaker voice-source fundamental than singers with a lower pitch range.


In the act of singing (with words) there is a smooth integration of the neural systems producing speech and singing. We know that in terms of activation, these systems seem to exhibit a significant degree of overlap asymmetries may reflect complementary specializations that arose specifically to serve the simultaneous demands inherent in producing speech (words with prosodic intonation) or song (melody with lyrics). Regardless of its evolutionary origins, song production, like song perception, calls upon a combination of functions, some of whose components appear to exhibit opposite hemisphere asymmetries. Temporal lobe areas were activated bilaterally during song imagery, consistent with the integrated nature of melody and lyrics in song representations. During actual singing, temporal lobe activation would be predominantly driven by the processing of auditory feedback. It remains to be demonstrated whether song singing will result in strongly right hemisphere asymmetric activation, as does simple singing without words, or in significant activation of left temporal lobe areas associated with language comprehension.

How To Transform Your Fashion Design Hobby Into A Career

Fashion is a hobby and a dream career for a lot of youngsters, considering the creativity and glamor attached to the profession. However, what many people fail to notice is the hard work that’s involved in it. Creativity is a very vital tool for making it big in the fashion industry but it’s not the only thing. You have to be unique and consistent in your approach and strive to achieve perfection in whatever you do from the very beginning of your journey into the world of fashion. Your hobby in fashion is going to take you a long way if you keep a few important steps in mind. We’re going to talk about them in this article. 

  • Quality Products 

If you want to make yourself visible among others with similar goals, you need to ensure the top-notch quality of your products. If you want your designs to be liked by people, you’ve got to use good quality sewing tools and fabrics. These would require a certain amount of investment. Thus, your career planning should include the monetary factor as well. You should have the habit of saving up right from your initial years of engaging in this hobby passionately. If your finished products are of great quality, you would be able to win hearts in no time and your career in fashion design would be extremely successful. 

  • Out Of The Box Designs 

As mentioned above, if you want to steal the attention of customers, you would have to offer unique and innovative designs that would be different from your competitors. You need to have a style of your own. For developing your own style, you need to have a fair idea about the wide plethora of designs and trends throughout the world since the basis of developing one’s own trademark is an inspiration. One very effective way to gain knowledge on fashion and its various aspects is to read fashion articles and magazines. You must develop the habit of reading fashion articles whenever you can since being updated about what’s going on around you as far as your field is concerned is extremely important. Once you have a fair idea about different types of designs and styles, it wouldn’t be a difficult job to find out your area of interest and the kind of design that fascinates you the most. You must have a clear vision of your goals and plan your path accordingly. 

Hobbies That Would Help You Start Your Business

If you’re interested in business and want to start your own or if you’re a newcomer in the world of business, you’re at the right place. Having knowledge about marketing and finances is not enough for running a successful business. You’ve got to have an idea about several other things as well. There are certain hobbies that are known to help start your business. In this article, we’re going to talk about these hobbies. Read along to find out! 

  • Journaling 

Journaling is a great hobby and prepares you for greater ambitions. Whether you journal your day-to-day experiences or monthly expenses, keeping a record of things is one of the main aspects of a business. You should always have your thoughts and actions documented if you want to make it big in the field of business. You can either write on paper or type your thoughts out and save them on your computer. When you go back to these documents, you’ll be surprised to see how helpful they might turn out. Thus, make it a point to document your plans and actions. Begin right away! 

  • Socializing 

This is a skill that may appear to be quite hard for introverts but for extroverts, it’s quite a blessing. The importance of making connections cannot be denied when it comes to growing businesses. You need to have a strong backup of a team when you start a business and this is where you’ll need your socializing skills. Try to engage with like-minded people with similar preferences, who might be interested to work with you in the future. If you’re unable to make connections on your own, you can acquire assistance from fun applications and websites that help you connect with different people. Make it a point to have a strong network of people around right from your formative years. 

  • Social Media Management 

Not all startups have a professional social media team that would maintain your visibility on social media. If you’ve just begun your venture, it’s advised that you should manage your social media on your own. This is not quite difficult but the key to attracting an audience on social media is to maintain consistency. You should know the little tricks and hacks to reach more eyeballs in less time. Having a fair knowledge about social media insights and algorithms is very essential when it comes to starting a business of your own, especially in today’s time. 

How Hobbies Aid Professional Development

Indulging ourselves in different hobbies and interests could be one of the most productive ways to utilize leisure time. Whether it be personal or professional, hobbies always help in personal growth and development.
We often confuse ourselves thinking hobbies and interests are something one undertakes just in their convenient time for relaxation and pleasure; But factually it helps in our professional development too.
There are a lot of advantages that hobbies provide for your personal and professional development. Here are some of the reasons how your hobbies can aid your professional development.

1. Hobbies make you calm and patient

A hobby is something that helps maintain our peace of mind and makes us patient. No matter; you are a teacher, doctor, engineer, or architect, sometimes you can lose your cool in your career. In that case, a hobby could be your saviour!
Irrespective of the hobby that you are into, you surely learn patience through it. And eventually, this quality of patience that you develop from your hobby will be extremely beneficial in your career.

2. Hobbies help you dig your creative side

Organizations and companies consistently search for individuals who can present unusual and innovative ideas at the needful times. Our most profound interests (hobbies) help us achieve that creative and innovative thinking that every professional career will demand at some point in our life. Creativity also makes you think in different ways, and hobbies help you unlock this particular aspect of your personality. Hobbies build your analytical skills, which further benefit you on the professional front.

3. Hobbies develop team spirit

When working for organizations, you often need to work with a group of people as a team. Bonding with your team is the most integral part of teamwork. Working in a team truly tests your communication skills.
Companies search for this quality in people who apply for the job.
Having a hobby will grow your interest in the activities, plus you can plan different ways and ideas to communicate and perform those activities with others.

4. Your hobby can be your backup

Supposing your career doesn’t pan out as you planned it, your hobbies can work as a backup plan in such cases. Organizations always seek individuals who have the skills that others don’t. So, it’s always a good idea to maintain a backup plan just in case things don’t go your way.
Pursuing your hobby as an earning medium alongside your professional job will also give you a break from your mundane routine, which will provide you with enthusiasm to work the next day.

The Takeaway

The value that having hobbies can have on your working life goes beyond just personal health. Employers value healthy employees for the sake of productivity, but they also want well-rounded employees that offer diverse perspectives, creativity and meaningful ideas.
Being involved in a variety of activities outside work makes you a great asset inside work. The abilities and knowledge you gain through hobbies can differentiate you from others; This can ease out your professional life in multiple aspects.