3 Exciting Science Experiments That Will Amaze You!

Science as a subject has always been associated with a wide variety of practical experiments as its core matter and content. Keen observation and effective application of the learnt inferences are the two central focuses of science enthusiasts everywhere. Here are a few super easy-to-perform and exciting science experiments that will surely leave you marveling.

  • The Acid-Base Neutralization Experiment 

Chemistry and its various topics and equations can get on the nerves of students across all age groups. To make it interesting and fun, one of the most popular experiments is that of feeling the fizz. The prerequisites are a bowl, some like juice and baking soda. At first, baking soda is emptied onto the bowl. Then a small quantity of lime juice is squeezed over it. Almost immediately there’s the sound of fizz along with the appearance of bubbles. This is due to the neutralisation reaction that would’ve taken place due to the combination of the basic baking soda and acidic lime juice. The fizzing sound and effervescence are due to the evolution of carbon dioxide gas. 

  • The Reflection of Light on Paper Experiment 

Science and its quirks are never-ending and these fascinating experiments prove this fact time and again. The reflection of light on the paper experiment aims to practically demonstrate a key concept of physics, that is the reflection of light. The prerequisites of this experiment are a small mirror or magnifying glass, a piece of paper and a fairly sunlit room or balcony. In this experiment, the mirror is held close to the piece of paper and tilted at an angle to the source of light which is the window from where the light is entering, in this case. The set-up is such that the light rays coming from outside get reflected in the glass and then get concentrated in a small area on the piece of paper. If carried out properly and with patience, after some time the small area on the paper starts to feel extremely heated on touching. When continued vigorously, the portion can also show signs of charring. This incredible experiment singly explains two properties, one that of the bending property of light and also that heat energy is dissipated in the process. 

  • The Inverted Glass Experiment 

This amazing experiment explains the concepts of gravity and atmospheric pressure. The requirements are a glass filled with water and a thick piece of paper. In the experiment, the glass is filled with water and is gently covered by a thick piece of paper or cardboard and then it is inverted over the sink. The water and the paper remain in place.

Hobbies For Chemistry Lovers

If you have a scientific mind and you think about elements and compounds all day long, there are chances that you’re a chemistry lover and in this article, we’re going to focus on people like you who should essentially opt for hobbies that have something to do with chemistry. Just because they’re related to chemistry, hobbies do not have to be extremely difficult that most people wouldn’t understand them. Not many people mention it but chemistry had its applications in the most basic things. Thus, the hobbies mentioned below are quite easy to engage in, if you’re interested enough.


This hobby dates back to 1300 BC and has been prevalent during that time. The entire process of blacksmithing includes hardening, fabricating, and refining metals. In today’s time, metal alloys are also used to make household objects. These alloys are mainly brass and steel. Alloys are a mixture of two or more metals and are used to make objects that are stronger and more sustainable. Blacksmithing is a hobby for chemistry lovers in the sense that it requires extensive research and knowledge in the subject, in topics like metallurgy. This hobby is not to be done on your own since there would be the involvement of fire and heated tools like hammers, tongs, etc. You should make it a point to have heat-resistant gloves with you when you’re on it. You can learn the process on the internet or talk to experts who have been doing this for years.Β 


This is yet another hobby that would require you to have an elaborate knowledge of chemistry. You should have a fair idea about wood and wood particles and how they react to cold, heat, and when they are made to come in contact with external chemicals. It is associated with the creation of visually appealing works of art that you can flaunt later and even use for your business purposes. Something important to keep in mind is that these hobbies related to chemistry shouldn’t be conducted in the presence of children since it’s not safe for them.


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