3 Exciting Science Experiments That Will Amaze You!

Science as a subject has always been associated with a wide variety of practical experiments as its core matter and content. Keen observation and effective application of the learnt inferences are the two central focuses of science enthusiasts everywhere. Here are a few super easy-to-perform and exciting science experiments that will surely leave you marveling.

  • The Acid-Base Neutralization Experiment 

Chemistry and its various topics and equations can get on the nerves of students across all age groups. To make it interesting and fun, one of the most popular experiments is that of feeling the fizz. The prerequisites are a bowl, some like juice and baking soda. At first, baking soda is emptied onto the bowl. Then a small quantity of lime juice is squeezed over it. Almost immediately there’s the sound of fizz along with the appearance of bubbles. This is due to the neutralisation reaction that would’ve taken place due to the combination of the basic baking soda and acidic lime juice. The fizzing sound and effervescence are due to the evolution of carbon dioxide gas. 

  • The Reflection of Light on Paper Experiment 

Science and its quirks are never-ending and these fascinating experiments prove this fact time and again. The reflection of light on the paper experiment aims to practically demonstrate a key concept of physics, that is the reflection of light. The prerequisites of this experiment are a small mirror or magnifying glass, a piece of paper and a fairly sunlit room or balcony. In this experiment, the mirror is held close to the piece of paper and tilted at an angle to the source of light which is the window from where the light is entering, in this case. The set-up is such that the light rays coming from outside get reflected in the glass and then get concentrated in a small area on the piece of paper. If carried out properly and with patience, after some time the small area on the paper starts to feel extremely heated on touching. When continued vigorously, the portion can also show signs of charring. This incredible experiment singly explains two properties, one that of the bending property of light and also that heat energy is dissipated in the process. 

  • The Inverted Glass Experiment 

This amazing experiment explains the concepts of gravity and atmospheric pressure. The requirements are a glass filled with water and a thick piece of paper. In the experiment, the glass is filled with water and is gently covered by a thick piece of paper or cardboard and then it is inverted over the sink. The water and the paper remain in place.

Science Games: 3 Exciting Science Games For Children!

Learning science can get interesting and engaging for children when inculcated through fun games and experiments. This stimulates their visual memory which aids them to grasp concepts better and retain them for a long, long time to come. As science is all about analysis and application, there are no better media than games that easily translate bookish, theoretical knowledge into simple, practical activities. Here is a list of fun exciting science games: 

  • The Ruler Rubbing Game

One of the most popular and fascinating science games is the ruler rubbing game. This game includes rubbing a plastic ruler against the hair on one’s head for a considerable amount of time. Then the ruler is held over scattered bits of paper. Interestingly the bits of paper get attached to the ruler almost immediately. This happens due to the attraction of unlike charges, as the rubbed comb acquires a negative charge by the gain of electrons. This game has enticed children of all generations and has reinstated in their minds that important theories of physics like electric charge distribution do have significance in real life as well. 

  • Shadow Play 

Light and shadow games are an extremely engaging way of learning about the source of light and shadow formation. All that is required as a prerequisite is a source of light such as a torch or a powerful candle. Shadows are essentially formed behind the source of light, on an opaque surface such as a mantle or a wall. The various shadow forms and patterns can entice children and provoke their curiosity to learn more about shadows. 

  • Guessing and Memory Game 

Science games also encompass brainstorming and brain-sharpening games that boost the mental ability and memory of children. Such games can be based on visual or short-term memory such as recalling the order of articles and specific individual articles from an assortment or can be entirely memory-based in which the names of various things, places or items are recalled by the players, one by one, by individual turn. This boosts their imagination manifold and enhances the idea of colours, shapes and sizes. It also helps to develop a fair sense of time and speedy processing of a lot of information for generating quick responses. Mindfulness games also come under this, in which children are made to name five things they can see, four things that they can hear, three things that they can touch and two that they can smell. This stimulates the five sense organs.

4 Hobbies For Science Fanatics

Our lives cannot function without the intervention of science. Life itself is science. Therefore, science-related hobbies are extremely important. These can be of various types, starting from life sciences to physical sciences, geological sciences, etc. If you’re a science fanatic who’s in love with scientific facts and discoveries, you’re at the right place. In this article, we’re going to talk about different science-related hobbies that could become your specialty in no time. 

  • Microscopy 

If you’re someone who’s interested in microorganisms, and their functioning, microscopy is your thing. You can observe these tiny creatures under a microscope and study them. You have to bear the initial investment of buying a microscope but once you get hold of it, you’re going to have the time of your life, as you learn more about this vast subject. 

  • Nutrition 

This is the science of taking care of one’s diet and ensuring its nutritional value. If studying nutrition is your hobby, you could contribute to introducing a healthy diet to your close ones, thereby positively impacting their health. Moreover, if you’re passionate enough, you can turn your love for nutrition into your profession as well, and become a nutritionist. 

  • Robotics 

Do the world of machines and robots enchant you? You should consider robotics as a hobby. You can either take courses on the same from various platforms or research on your own to kickstart your journey of robotics. You’ve got to have intense knowledge of coding if you’re interested in robotics both as a hobby and as a career. Are you excited? What are you waiting for? Get started already! 

  • Science Museums 

Visiting science museums is one of the most common science-related hobbies. Science museums are perfect for those who love to learn more about scientific inventions and discoveries. These can be very informative and insightful for science lovers, and especially school children. They’re often taken on educational trips to various science museums as a part of their curriculum. If you’re a science-loving student and you haven’t been to a science museum yet, this is your cue to pay a visit to one right away!