Who doesn’t like to sit back and relax on weekends? All of us do, for sure. We work hard for the whole week, only to spend some leisure time during the weekend. While all we can do on most weekends is try to get out of bed, it’s important to spend the weekends doing things that would refresh and rejuvenate you, thereby preparing you for the following week. In this article, we’re going to talk about weekend hobbies that you would not only like but crave for, instead. 

  • Watering Plants 

People often appoint individuals who can take care of their plants despite being extreme plant lovers. There isn’t much they can do because of time constraints. However, weekends are the best for catering to hobbies like these such as watering your plants and nurturing them. You can spend long hours with your plants, and make them look well-maintained and nourished.  If you don’t get enough time with your plants, this is your cue to go and try to communicate with them. 

  • Journaling 

Journaling is a very good habit, but it’s not easy to be regular with it. However, there’s a way to be regular, even if you don’t write every day. If you don’t get time to update your journal daily, you can do it every weekend. You should allocate some part of the weekend in summing up whatever you’ve done or however you’ve progressed throughout the week. A very easy way to do this is to focus on specific keywords for specific days of the week. In this way, you would be able to summarize and articulate your experiences in a better way. 

  • Swimming 

You should make time for physical activities at least four times a week, but if you’re unable to do so, going swimming during the weekends can work just fine. It might seem difficult at first but it would become one of the most relaxing parts of your weekend in no time. All you would need is a comfortable swimming costume and generous amounts of sunscreen to save yourself from the scorching heat and chlorinated water. 

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