Evolutionary Vocals And Strings

“Reese sucked in a breath and played faster, hurling the anger through his fingers until it spun all his
fear, all his rage, into the gentle voice of music.”
― Willowy Whisper

Vocals and guitar being a parallel mate:

Being able to play the guitar and sing at the same time makes the performance much more engaging for the audience, and allows everyone to get involved. Furthermore, if you’re a working musician, it’s easier to get a gig if you can do both. Depending on how experienced you are, playing the guitar and singing at the same time may be easier for some than it is for others. Play the guitar part of the song you’re learning over and over again without singing.

“The history of music is mortal, but the idiocy of the guitar is eternal.”

Evolution of guitar:
The exact origin of the guitar is still a mystery. The word “guitar” probably comes from the ancient Greek word κιθάρα (kithara). Mythology attributes Hermes with creating the first kithara from a tortoise shell, but many likenesses of Apollo show him with this instrument. The ancient musician typically played the strings with a plectrum, which is an early version of the modern pick. The player would use his or her left-hand fingers to dampen unwanted strings and, at times, stop the strings or produce harmony with their left hand. Solo musicians would sometimes pluck the strings with the fingers of both hands.

Shapes of guitar from prehistory to history:

The history of the guitar generally goes back to two instruments, the oud and the lute, which predate written history. The evolution of Spanish guitars settled by the 1790s; they had the standard body type and six courses of strings that resemble the modern guitar but were smaller. Spanish musician and guitar maker Antonio de Torres Jurado changed all that in the mid-1800s when he created the style of guitar that gave rise to all guitars to follow. His guitars featured a broadened body, thinned belly and increased curve at the waist. He also replaced wooden tuning pegs with a machined head. 

Playing the guitar is your hobby

Well, initially everything starts with the infrastructure. So you need to have a guitar first. Before buying a guitar you to understand the fact that you need to give a lot of time at the initial stages to learn the guitar secondly there is not a hard and fast rule to learn a guitar. Initially, you will find yourself helpless to play the guitar because your fingers will not move on strings but after 10 days you will see that your fingers are moving automatically. Initially, your hands will hurt you while pressing the metal strings but after some time they will become hard and won’t hurt anymore. when you are in tension, just pick the guitar and play it. You will surely get out of your stress quickly. It is proven that a musical instrument which sounds good tends to heal your stress and your soul if you are suffering from any thought-related diseases.

“Music shouldn’t be just a tune, it should be a touch.”

Stages Of Calligraphy

‘Calligraphy is the most intimate, private and spontaneous expressive means. Like a fingerprint or voice it is unique with every person’. – Hermann Zapf, German designer

Learning Calligraphy Is All About Being Patient:

At the beginning, it can be discouraging to be starting from the ground up, practicing mundane ‘drills’ and feeling like your skills will never be as advanced as you’d like. But calligraphy and lettering are specialized skills. And just like you wouldn’t pick up an instrument and know how to play a song right away, you can’t just pick up a brush pen and be a master at calligraphy or lettering. You need to practice. A lot. Dedicate time for practice every single day, and you will get better. s we already established, calligraphy and handwriting are very different. In calligraphy, there are actually some BASIC strokes you have to learn before you can ever do your alphabet.

‘Perfection of handwriting needs proper education, regular exercises, and purity of the soul’.

Skipping Basics Can Lower Down One’s Performance:

In calligraphy, you need to start with the very, very basics. These are referred to as ‘strokes’. All of your letters are made up of strokes. So, practice the strokes- over, and over, and over again- until they’re consistent. The more consistent your strokes, the more consistent your letters. picking up a brush pen and copying someone’s else’s style would be like picking up an instrument and learning a song without knowing how to play each note. You could eventually figure out how to play the song by copying the sounds, but if someone asked you to play them a ‘G minor’, you wouldn’t know how. You skipped a step.  Just grab some fancy brush pens and use them with my already-nice handwriting. Turns out, that’s the fast track to failure!

Each letter in every script known to man holds an eternal power, an individual beauty in its vertical, horizontal, angular lines, in their continuity’. –Achyut Palav, Indian Calligrapher

Use The Right Lettering Tools:

just until you know what you’re doing enough to get the expensive ones. And this is true- to an extent. You can practice with any supplies you want at the beginning- a pencil, a ballpoint pen, Crayola markers, your kids colouring supplies- but when you want to get serious, you need the right supplies.The simple reason: brush pens, inks, nibs, and papers are not created equal. If you use the wrong ones, you will frustrate yourself and ruin your supplies. even though some tools DO make our life easy, or can speed up some processes, the only way to see improvements fast is with practice, so try to carve as much time as you can, download some of my free workbooks and let’s focus on our deliberate practice!

The art of beautiful writing is accessible to anyone who wants to unlock its secrets.
Julien Chazal

Socializing With Others Of The Same Filed:

When you browse hashtags and look through your search page, you start to come across the same people over and over again. If you find someone whose style you really love, or who you think you’d get along with in real life, MESSAGE THEM! Be genuine- tell them what you love about their work, ask questions, and start a conversation. Learning calligraphy & lettering is tough, and it’s so nice to have other like-minded people on your side. I am a firm, firm believer in community over competition. So reach out to others- engage with them, tell them when you like their stuff. It really does go far. 

Healing Nature Of Calligraphy


There are different forms of Calligraphy that are found globally. You can practically see this form of art everywhere – right from Chinese Calligraphy tattoo to pictures of Chinese art it is everywhere. Chinese Calligraphy – the beautiful art with healing benefits, that makes it stand out from the rest. What it makes it exclusive from other is that it helps in the communication of an artist’s spiritual world by making use of the Chinese characters. The most appealing factor of the Chinese Calligraphy also conveys a lot about aesthetic feeling, emotions, moral integrity and character of the artist to the readers. Chinese Calligraphy has showed the new role in therapy and health. Meditation is an effective and traditional method for staying healthy and coping stress, the studies have revealed that learning Chinese Calligraphy can provide you with the same distinctions and stress reduction benefits like that of doing mediation. There was a significant difference shown in the heart rate, reduced muscle stress, controlled respiratory rate and skin temperature as well.


Gulnaz Mahboob’s search for a calligraphy master saw her land in Istanbul with “a clean palette,” she says. “I had no knowledge of the science behind it or who the masters were. I knew that I wanted to reconnect with my creative side, but I didn’t know how, where, or who to go to.” “Although Islamic calligraphy originated from the Arab world, many are now going to Istanbul because that’s where a lot of the masters are,” Mahboob tells Arab News. “They’ve perfected calligraphy to such an extent, and the standard is very high. Istanbul has become a hotspot for calligraphers.” “Although Islamic calligraphy originated from the Arab world, many are now going to Istanbul because that’s where a lot of the masters are,” Mahboob tells Arab News. “They’ve perfected calligraphy to such an extent, and the standard is very high. Istanbul has become a hotspot for calligraphers.”


Modern Pointed Pen Calligraphy

Modern pointed pen calligraphy dominates the TPK website because it’s my personal favorite out of all the different types of calligraphy. (This style of calligraphy is what I think of when I hear “modern calligraphy”, so that’s how I refer to it throughout the site.) You create this calligraphy style with a pointed nib which is simply a nib with a pointed tip. If you’re interested in this calligraphy style,.

Brush Pen Calligraphy
 Brush pen calligraphy is calligraphy that’s made with pens that have long, tapered tips and a consistent ink flow. The technique for using brush pens echoes the technique used for pointed pens: you apply pressure to make thick strokes, and you let up on pressure to make thin strokes. Brush pen calligraphy only requires two supplies (a brush pen and paper), and it’s a fun and approachable way to get started with any type of calligraphy. You can learn more about brush pen calligraphy 
Traditional Pointed Pen Calligraphy
Traditional pointed pen calligraphy styles like Spencerian and Copperplate have been around for years, and you create them with particular strokes and formations. You have some room to be creative, but you don’t have a lot of freedom compared to modern calligraphy.

Hobbies That Will Make You Feel Productive

Do you think hobbies are a waste of time? Well, you need to think again. Hobbies not only provide pleasure but can also be productive. While choosing your hobbies, you should focus on your areas of interest and skills, so as to make the most of them. Your hobbies should be realistic and focus on long term benefits rather than just ways of passing time. The three things that you should keep in mind while choosing a hobby should be, the creative factor, productivity, and career prospects. In this article, we’re going to talk about some hobbies that will make you feel productive. 

  • Write A Story 

Writing something is always a productive option whether it’s something as basic as daily journaling, or something artistic like poetry or prose writing. It is one of the most effective and powerful skills that does not require too many resources. All you need is a notebook, and a pen, or simply, an electronic device. As far as creativity is concerned, writing holds a fairly high position in the list of most creative hobbies because it is limitless. Words can have no limit, and thus, there’s no end to the art of writing. You can write whatever you wish to and have your audience read your writing for as long as you want them to. When it comes to productivity, there could be no other hobby as productive as writing. Moreover, writing as a hobby can also turn out to be extremely beneficial for your career, if you choose to pursue it later in life. 

  • Engage In Yoga 

Yoga can be that change in your life that you have always wanted. It has miraculous benefits. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself! Not only can yoga make your body fitter, but it can also make your mind more stable by blocking out distractions and alleviating stress. If you develop a routine and are able to follow that everyday, you would notice positive changes in your lifestyle in no time. You would become more disciplined and positive in your approach and at the same time, have a stable fitness regime. If you have always craved for a dream body, this is the time to motivate yourself and kickstart the process of achieving it!  

  • Gardening 

If you’re looking for a hobby that’s extremely productive while at the same time is a stress-buster as well, you should nurture your love for growing plants and start gardening. It has been found out that gardening is not only great for controlling anxiety and depression, but it is also good for a holistic development. Moreover, who doesn’t like a regular homemade supply of fruits and veggies, right? You wouldn’t have to run to the market when guests arrive and you want to serve them good quality herbs. You could simply choose the best ones from your self-grown garden. Enough reason for you to start gardening? Knew it!  

Hobbies To Do On A Vacation

According to experts, people who engage in hobbies and activities are always found to be happier and more at peace than those who don’t. In this article, we’re going to talk about hobbies that you can do in your vacations that are separate from your academics but would also help in your holistic development. These hobbies can be done alone, and as well as in groups. You should focus on enjoying them and using your time effectively, instead of wasting your vacation sitting idle or watching television. If you go on to explore, there are tons of things that you can do. 

  • Letter Writing 

In this digital era, how often do we make an effort to write handwritten letters for our loved ones? Most of us don’t and we’re not even aware of its essence. On this vacation, you should invest your time in learning how to write letters. Invest in good-quality sheets and begin writing letters for those who matter to you. You can even make personalized envelopes and use cute stamps to make the experience even more wholesome. If you do the entire process of writing the letter, and posting it to the right address, it’s going to be extremely special and satisfying. You can make this a trend and write letters for your friends and family on their special days and make them feel important. 

  • Camping 

Camping with your friends and family is the most delightful experience during vacations. You don’t always have to choose venues far from home. You can begin your camping experience from somewhere as close as your backyard or garden. Invest in small tents and experience the camping vibe to its fullest. You can spend the night watching the stars, listening to the birds, and narrating exciting stories. You should also have delicious goodies and snacks in the tents so that you can munch on them whenever you feel like it. 

  • Ballroom Dancing 

Remember how excited we used to be as children when we used to watch our favorite actors dancing in a ball? I’m sure all of us have wanted to be in their place at some point in our lives. This vacation, use your time to learn ballroom dancing and fulfill your childhood dream. All you need to do is watch free online tutorials and start dancing with your partner. You can do it with a friend, or even your sibling. So the next time someone special asks you for a dance, you’re going to slay it for sure. Are you ready to be the life of the party? Get started with the lessons already! 

Hobbies For Bird Lovers

Birds are a beautiful sight to watch and some people love to watch different species of birds and collect more information about them. They are nature lovers as well but their main focus area is researching birds. If you’re a bird lover and you spend a considerable amount of your day wondering about birds and their various habitats, you’re at the right place. In this article, we’re going to talk about hobbies for bird lovers. Read along to find out more! 

  • Bird Watching 

This is one of the most common hobbies for bird lovers. If you know someone who loves birds, you’ll see them go for walks to places that have birds paying frequent visits. These places might be parks, fields, or even lakes. All you need to do is carry your binoculars and try to spot them from a distance since going too near might scare them and ruin your purpose. You’d be able to see their beautifully-patterned bodies and wings and note their actions as well. Bird watching can be very addictive if you start engaging in it regularly. However, your knowledge about birds and nature, in general, is going to increase manifold. We’re not complaining for sure! 

  • Photography 

People who say you can’t do nature photography without a high-end camera are surely living in a bubble. To click pictures of birds, you simply need your smartphone and the right technique. You should keep an eye on a good background and fix the lighting if the background lighting is not good enough. You should have a good angle sense if you want the perfect shot. You should always try to be at eye level with your subject, that is in this case, the birds. Moreover, your phone camera shouldn’t be making any sound, since that might caution the birds and you won’t be able to get the shot you wanted. Try to be as silent as possible. 

  • Drawing 

If you’re a bird lover and good at art as well, you should start painting birds. Imagine being able to draw different types of birds with various bright colors. Birds are the most beautiful and diverse subjects for art. They are found in innumerable shapes and sizes and belong to a wide range of habitats as well. Once you start drawing birds, you won’t be able to stop, considering the broad plethora of creative possibilities. If you’re good enough, you can use the paintings for exhibitions or even sell them to monetize your efforts. 

Why Should Knitting Be Considered As A Hobby For Students

Knitting is a hobby that we have seen our elders engaging in and it seems to be quite fun. Student life is filled with uncertainty and unnecessary stress. In such circumstances, most of us have felt the need to take refuge in satisfying hobbies to distract ourselves from the regular hustle to be the best at everything. Knitting is a hobby that might test your patience in the beginning since it’s not the easiest to learn. This might act as a con for many since they get bored easily and are not able to be consistent with their hobbies. However, if you do manage to stick around, you’re going to find yourself a hobby that will stay with you for life. In this article, we’re going to discuss why you should consider knitting as a hobby.

  • Acts As A Distraction 

As students, most of us have faced the feeling of burnout when we have loads of assignments completed and several deadlines to meet but we simply can’t make ourselves get to work. This happens due to a lot of workload and the pressure that’s attached to it. You’re not able to do the tasks that you’re supposed to because you are not able to complete them on time which in turn piles up more work. The only way to break this vicious cycle is to take a break and do something that would distract you for some time and enable you to spend some time just with yourself. Knitting is a hobby that allows you to do the same. It is therapeutic. 

  • No Wastage Of Time And Money 

If you spend your leisure time knitting, you would be using your time productively without wasting it on something that wouldn’t help brush up any of your skills but instead, drain your energy. Knitting is such a hobby that once you start doing it, you would have to concentrate on being able to get the pattern right. Moreover, it doesn’t require any investment and is almost a free hobby. All you need are knitting needles and colorful balls of wool. The best part about knitting is, you would get the most useful outcomes despite making use of the least amount of resources. The output is going to be way more than the input. 

Hobbies That Need The Needle

A lot of hobbies that are essentially done by old people require the usage of the needle. It’s fascinating how a tiny tool is capable of producing such pretty objects. In this article, we’re going to talk about some hobbies that need the needle. While needles might be scary to work with initially, you’re going to find it quite easy to use once you understand the technique. However, you should keep needles away from the reach of children since they are not safe for children. Read along to find out some of the most fun and creative hobbies with the needle. 

  • Embroidery 

Are you wondering what to give someone close to you? What could be better than a piece of embroidery done by you, right? All you would require are a needle, some yarns, and an embroidery hoop. Like most hobbies with the needle, the process of making the embroidery could be slightly time-taking but the process is quite fun and easy to do. You can make various shapes and patterns on cloth depending on your likes and dislikes and make the stickers accordingly. Once you’re done, your handmade gift would be ready to steal some squeals and compliments. 

  • Sewing 

Sewing is a hobby that doesn’t take too much effort to learn but turns out to be very helpful. You can not only fix the buttons on your clothes now and then but you can also use your sewing skills to make gifts for your family and friends. Initially, you would have to learn sewing by hand but if you want to take a step ahead and invest in your hobby, you can get a sewing machine. Moreover, you should have all the necessary things in front of you while you’re about to sew something. Stock up on colorful threads, pins, and different types of fabric, and always keep a pair of scissors as well. 

  • Knitting 

The process of knitting is quite tricky and you would need proper practice if you want to do it easily. Knitting takes a lot of time and patience, but the results are extremely satisfying and helpful. Do you remember wearing woolen sweaters, socks, caps, and mufflers knitted by your grandmother? You can make similar items for your grandmother and surprise her! 

Hobbies To Pull Up Your Grades

While being insincere is one of the main reasons for poor grades, there might be a lot of other reasons as well. More often than not, bright and meritorious students fail to score the grade that they deserve and end up being unhappy and unsatisfied despite working hard. If you want to improve your grades, you would first have to find out the loopholes in your performance. Once you’re aware of your mistakes, you can start working on them. However, some basic habits can improve your overall performance if paid attention to. How about transforming those habits into hobbies? In this way, you would not be directly engaging in academics but you’d be working towards achieving better grades even in your leisure time. We are going to talk about hobbies to pull up your grades. 

  • Reading 

Reading is one of the most effective hobbies for everyone and especially students, who need to have a fair idea about the subjects that they study and otherwise. Reading textbooks that are on your syllabus is not always enough, and you need to do some extra bit of reading to score some extra marks. Reading will help you expand your horizons and positively impact your vocabulary as well. Moreover, it would also enhance your creativity. Whether it’s reading books, newspapers, magazines, or even blogs, you should do a little bit of reading every day. The results are going to reflect in your grades. 

  • Journaling  

Journaling is a hobby that will stay with you once you begin with it and benefit you all your life. If you engage in journaling every day, it would not only enable you to brush up your writing skills, but you would also learn to comprehend your thoughts and express them through your words. Your writing skills are going to improve manifold, including grammar and spelling. These are the two important aspects of writing that often go wrong during exams and otherwise. Having a stronghold on grammar and spelling would help pull up your grades. 

  • Meditation 

Meditation is important for everyone but if it’s practiced from an early age, the benefits and results would be achieved sooner and reflect on your important life decisions. Student life comes with a lot of challenges and unpleasant situations. The growing-up years become way easier to go through if you have emotional support and stable mental health. The latter can be acquired with the help of meditation. Meditation would help you get rid of all kinds of stress and anxiety and help you give your best in whatever you do, thereby providing the best results. 

Meditation is the practice of “extended contemplation to achieve focused attention”, and comes in many forms.

Mindfulness is simply “awareness of one’s internal state and surroundings”, and can also come in many forms.

Meditation Can Help With Impulsivity - Examined Existence

Hobbies To Improve Your Child’s Drawing Skills

Some children have a very good sense of shapes and figures from their initial years, while some don’t and they often face problems drawing the most basic things that they are expected to draw with ease, considering their age. While art geniuses cannot be created by rigorous training, there are ways to improve your child’s drawing skills by focusing on the basics. A common mistake that some parents make is that they expect their children to be able to draw advanced objects before they achieve expertise in the basics. In this article, we’re going to talk about hobbies related to art for your children that would improve their drawing and painting skills. Read along to find out more! 

  • Coloring 

Remember scribbling on coloring books all day long in your primitive years? That’s one of the best ways to improve one’s drawing skills. Encourage your child to color various objects focusing on the outlines of the objects. This is a great exercise since it stabilizes the hands and figures of young children. This is known to fix the way your child holds the drawing tool. Thus, buy different types of coloring books for your child and let them dive into the world of colors. 

  • Tracing 

This one’s yet another effective method of improving the art skills of children and strengthening the foundation of their basics. This hobby includes tracing various shapes and figures with the help of tracing paper. Many individuals, including adults, are often not able to trace perfectly even though all they have to do is trace over something that’s already been drawn. Thus, children should certainly be encouraged to engage in this hobby. It would help them tighten their grip and achieve the steadiness of their fingers. They would also learn to control the pressure applied on paper since tracing needs to be done very light-handedly but the markings need to be prominent. 

  • Drawing Shapes And Lines 

Many children draw lines and shapes using geometrical tools from an early age and they never really learn to draw shapes and lines on their own. This is not a healthy practice. Children or students for that matter shouldn’t be allowed to draw using tools unless it’s about paying attention to accurate measurements. Only without drawing tools can stability and perfection be achieved. 

Discover the Benefits of Makeup as a Hobby

Makeup is a form of self-expression and contrary to popular belief, it is not merely a way of hiding or erasing your flaws. Makeup is often treated as a means of living up to unrealistic and unjust beauty standards that tend to give rise to self-hate and loathing. However, makeup cannot be limited to such a narrow view. While some people might use makeup to cover up those features that make them feel insecure, some people use makeup just because they love to, and makeup enhances their creativity. Makeup is a very therapeutic hobby and is associated with self-love and empowerment, unlike how it’s conventionally perceived. Some reasons why makeup is a fabulous hobby are as follows. 

  • Boosts Confidence 

While everybody looks beautiful without makeup and no bodily feature can ever be treated as a flaw, makeup is something that boosts the confidence of many because of how they look when they apply makeup. They love to see themselves in makeup. This also results from the fact that when they see themselves look the way that they want to, they feel good about themselves. 

  • Boosts Creativity

Makeup can be experimented with and you can create new looks every time you apply it. The best part about makeup is how every product can be used in different ways to get different results. Creating new looks would not only make you look unique and different every day but also put your creativity to use. You can take inspiration from your favorite celebrities and try out makeup looks approved by them or create new looks on your own and document them for all those around you. 

  • Affordable 

While there are high-end makeup brands that cost a lot, there are good quality drugstore makeup products as well that are quite affordable and work well. Thus, if you get to experiment with your look without spending thousands of money, you should certainly go for it. Moreover, if used properly, makeup products last long and are quite versatile. Most products would last you for months. 

  • No Rules To Follow 

Since it’s a form of self-expression, there are no hard and fast rules that you need to follow while doing makeup. You can simply listen to your heart and do whatever makes you feel good about yourself. Thus, you should never restrict yourself to boundaries. 

Hobbies Related To Design

The world of design is extensive and involves various fields. Designing can include a lot of things starting from designing clothes to jewelry to interiors and even to brand logos. A lot of things need to be designed and the training for each is different. If you’re good at drawing and painting, designing is a hobby that you can consider. However, what kind of designing do you want to engage in has to be a personal choice. In this article, we’re going to talk about the various design hobbies that you can consider if you’re passionate about them. 

  • Fashion Design 

  As the name suggests, fashion design includes the designing of clothes. If you’re interested in fashion and you want to design fashionable outfits, you should opt for fashion design. This hobby would include making illustrations of figures wearing different types of outfits. You can even take courses and submit your designs to institutes that look for new designers. With time, you can try creating outfits designed by you from scratch and make them available for consumers. 

  • Jewelry Design 

Jewelry design is a very popular field of design and involves designing jewelry for different brands and stores. There are new trends every day, as far as jewelry is concerned the customers want fresher styles. In a market as high demanding as this, designers need to think out of the box while keeping in mind the classics as well. You need to showcase your creativity if you want to make it big in this industry. People look for fine craftsmanship and high quality when they purchase jewelry. If you’ve spent all your childhood playing with colorful beads and stones and making handmade jewelry for your loved ones, you surely should go for jewelry design. 

  • Interior Design 

This is yet another field of design that’s very significant and requires a fair knowledge of geometry. If you’re good at designing furniture and other essentials for the rooms of your loved ones, you’d be good at interior design. If you want to build a career in interior design, you need proper professional training and a degree for it. Your job would be to design homes for people and give life to their vision. An interior designer should exhibit their expertise in their work while at the same time paying attention to the wants of the client as well.