3 Exciting Science Experiments That Will Amaze You!

Science as a subject has always been associated with a wide variety of practical experiments as its core matter and content. Keen observation and effective application of the learnt inferences are the two central focuses of science enthusiasts everywhere. Here are a few super easy-to-perform and exciting science experiments that will surely leave you marveling.

  • The Acid-Base Neutralization Experiment 

Chemistry and its various topics and equations can get on the nerves of students across all age groups. To make it interesting and fun, one of the most popular experiments is that of feeling the fizz. The prerequisites are a bowl, some like juice and baking soda. At first, baking soda is emptied onto the bowl. Then a small quantity of lime juice is squeezed over it. Almost immediately there’s the sound of fizz along with the appearance of bubbles. This is due to the neutralisation reaction that would’ve taken place due to the combination of the basic baking soda and acidic lime juice. The fizzing sound and effervescence are due to the evolution of carbon dioxide gas. 

  • The Reflection of Light on Paper Experiment 

Science and its quirks are never-ending and these fascinating experiments prove this fact time and again. The reflection of light on the paper experiment aims to practically demonstrate a key concept of physics, that is the reflection of light. The prerequisites of this experiment are a small mirror or magnifying glass, a piece of paper and a fairly sunlit room or balcony. In this experiment, the mirror is held close to the piece of paper and tilted at an angle to the source of light which is the window from where the light is entering, in this case. The set-up is such that the light rays coming from outside get reflected in the glass and then get concentrated in a small area on the piece of paper. If carried out properly and with patience, after some time the small area on the paper starts to feel extremely heated on touching. When continued vigorously, the portion can also show signs of charring. This incredible experiment singly explains two properties, one that of the bending property of light and also that heat energy is dissipated in the process. 

  • The Inverted Glass Experiment 

This amazing experiment explains the concepts of gravity and atmospheric pressure. The requirements are a glass filled with water and a thick piece of paper. In the experiment, the glass is filled with water and is gently covered by a thick piece of paper or cardboard and then it is inverted over the sink. The water and the paper remain in place.

Stages Of Calligraphy

‘Calligraphy is the most intimate, private and spontaneous expressive means. Like a fingerprint or voice it is unique with every person’. – Hermann Zapf, German designer

Learning Calligraphy Is All About Being Patient:

At the beginning, it can be discouraging to be starting from the ground up, practicing mundane ‘drills’ and feeling like your skills will never be as advanced as you’d like. But calligraphy and lettering are specialized skills. And just like you wouldn’t pick up an instrument and know how to play a song right away, you can’t just pick up a brush pen and be a master at calligraphy or lettering. You need to practice. A lot. Dedicate time for practice every single day, and you will get better. s we already established, calligraphy and handwriting are very different. In calligraphy, there are actually some BASIC strokes you have to learn before you can ever do your alphabet.

‘Perfection of handwriting needs proper education, regular exercises, and purity of the soul’.

Skipping Basics Can Lower Down One’s Performance:

In calligraphy, you need to start with the very, very basics. These are referred to as ‘strokes’. All of your letters are made up of strokes. So, practice the strokes- over, and over, and over again- until they’re consistent. The more consistent your strokes, the more consistent your letters. picking up a brush pen and copying someone’s else’s style would be like picking up an instrument and learning a song without knowing how to play each note. You could eventually figure out how to play the song by copying the sounds, but if someone asked you to play them a ‘G minor’, you wouldn’t know how. You skipped a step.  Just grab some fancy brush pens and use them with my already-nice handwriting. Turns out, that’s the fast track to failure!

Each letter in every script known to man holds an eternal power, an individual beauty in its vertical, horizontal, angular lines, in their continuity’. –Achyut Palav, Indian Calligrapher

Use The Right Lettering Tools:

just until you know what you’re doing enough to get the expensive ones. And this is true- to an extent. You can practice with any supplies you want at the beginning- a pencil, a ballpoint pen, Crayola markers, your kids colouring supplies- but when you want to get serious, you need the right supplies.The simple reason: brush pens, inks, nibs, and papers are not created equal. If you use the wrong ones, you will frustrate yourself and ruin your supplies. even though some tools DO make our life easy, or can speed up some processes, the only way to see improvements fast is with practice, so try to carve as much time as you can, download some of my free workbooks and let’s focus on our deliberate practice!

The art of beautiful writing is accessible to anyone who wants to unlock its secrets.
Julien Chazal

Socializing With Others Of The Same Filed:

When you browse hashtags and look through your search page, you start to come across the same people over and over again. If you find someone whose style you really love, or who you think you’d get along with in real life, MESSAGE THEM! Be genuine- tell them what you love about their work, ask questions, and start a conversation. Learning calligraphy & lettering is tough, and it’s so nice to have other like-minded people on your side. I am a firm, firm believer in community over competition. So reach out to others- engage with them, tell them when you like their stuff. It really does go far. 

Essence Of Vedic Math

Father  Of  Vedic Maths And His Operations:

Shri  Bharati Krishna Tirathji  is called the father of vedic Maths. He took to self-realization at Shringeri Matha with the guidance of Shri Shankracharya, Shri Sachidananda Shiva Abhinava Narsimha Saraswati, He spent  7 years in deep meditation and study of Vedanta and lived the life of a Sadhu from 1911 to 1918. During this period, the 16 Sutras of Vedic Maths were made.After a brilliant University career he became a lecturer in Mathematics and Science in the Baroda College. Thereafter he became Principal of National College in Rajamundary, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaIn 1905 when the Freedom movement started in Bengal, Bharti Krishnaji participated in the freedom movement along with Shri Aurobindo Ghosh and Gopal Krishna Gokhale – an ardent nationalist. Bharti Krishnaji wrote to numerous newspapers propagating the freedom movement. He was also appointed “Warden of the Sons of India” by Dr.Annie Besant in 1908.

Algebra and multiplication are separated by a wall. One must work extensively with arithmetic before venturing onto algebra, and the same applies to other aspects of math, that one must be “conquered” before the next concept is addressed.

Vedic Math And Its Ideology

The most important feature of the Vedic Mathematics system of learning is its logical methodology. For example, the Nikhilam method in subtraction, the subtraction technique of all from nine and last from 10 does not require children to write the whole numerical question in a vertical order to do subtraction questions. With lesser time and lesser steps, it helps them solve it saving a lot of time. This is very easy to pick up. In the general multiplication method, for example, it is easily reversed to allow one-line divisions, and the simple squaring method can be reversed to show one-line square roots.  Hence we see that it makes maths easy and one can do it with speed. There are many tricks for Vedic  Maths for Faster Calculations.

Math is about getting the right answer – Adding and subtracting/math is about understanding patterns.
Complex math involves complex reasoning and laborious effort. – Recognizing underlying patterns can speed the process.

The Kind Of Methodology Vedic Maths Reflects:

Vedic Mathematics Methods of doing Maths helps to solve difficult sums easily and quickly. And these are systematic methods implying these are far easier than conventional methods taught in the school. It reduces a lot of steps for children and thereby increases their speed of calculation making them competitive. Hence it school competitions and Olympiads kids trained with this system of learning do better than other otherwise. Nowadays the interest in Vedic System of Learning is growing a lot. The children are comfortably applying Vedic Sutras in Geometry, Calculus, Computing Etc.It is said “Practice Makes the Man Perfect” , the more you practice the better is the speed of calculation and mental maths of the students.

The Vedic approach enables people to experiment creatively with several approaches.

Reflection Of Vedic Maths In Real Life:

Vedic maths is completely accomplished in mind. Vedic math also begins at a primary level of numbers and slowly advances to easy additions, subtractions, multiplications and division. It takes of much more beyond the fundamental calculations. With Vedic methods, one can also figure out problematic

In looking at the valley surrounded by mountains, I think it is best to view the valley as our own consciousness, the mountains as the immensity of different practical tasks in the world, and the paths of our intuitive reasoning. On the other side, unbeknownst to most of us still, is a boundless sea of understanding that can be skillfully navigated by Vedic wisdom.

Math In Daily Life And Its Uses

Word Problems Solve Problems

The truth is that we use math all the time!
mathematical applications in daily life from the time one gets up from bed till one goes to bed in the night. Be it a cook or a farmer, a carpenter, math seems complicated by making solutions easy.

• Managing time: Keeping a track of time is very important to do all you love to do
• Budgeting: Managing money, understanding discounts, and buying for the best price
• Sports: Score, Time, Strategizing to win
• Cooking: Measuring the ingredients to add to a recipe, kitchen inventory planning
• Exercising and Dieting
• Home Decorating
• Stitching: Measurements to stitch a dress
• Critical Thinking

Many people don’t experience sufficient time to “get” math lessons, and they fall behind as the teacher moves on. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are the power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, and even effective communication skills.
• Basic math such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division
• Percentages
• Calculating costs and profit
• Calculating the required materials
• Geometry
• Measurements

Solve The Puzzle

Test Your Intelligence: Chess As A Hobby

Chess is often said to have its origin in an ancient Hindu game that was known as chaturanga. It is essentially played by two players on a checkerboard of 64 squares. The game is played using 16 pieces. Chess is not just a mere indoor game but it is a way of testing your intelligence and is an extremely popular hobby among the youth, as well as old people. 

The game of chess is often regarded as a replica of life and it teaches its players the most important lessons of life. Chess teaches us that you cannot achieve victory without having losses. Those who win also suffer some losses and there’s nothing one can do about it other than embracing the truth and moving on. Moreover, it also teaches us that life is full of surprises and however hard you try to control everything that happens to you, there will be times when you would get shocked by certain happenings that you hadn’t predicted. However carefully you plan your next move, you’re going to face unforeseen situations. 

Every piece of the chessboard moves in different directions and has individual significance. The only way to have a grip over the game is to practice it frequently and memorize the rules by heart. Your focus at all times should be protecting your king, while at the same time keeping an eye on the king piece of your opponent and attacking it at the right opportunity. It is an intellectually stimulating game because of a lot of reasons. You need to focus on multiple things together and try and predict the next step of your opponent based on the placement of their pieces. 

One major mistake that players often make is that while trying to attack and take control of their opponent, they end up leaving their king piece without proper security, thereby providing a chance to their opponent to win. You should never do this. You should pay equal attention to your pieces as well as those of your opponent. Another important aspect to remember is that you should never waste your chances on unnecessary moves. Every move is important for you to win and you shouldn’t waste your chance in a hurry. Once you understand the intricacies of the game, it’s going to be one of your best hobbies for life. 

Hobbies for Biology Lovers

Biology is a subject that fascinates most students when they are children, and as they grow up. Biology encapsulates all the details of the living body and is of profound interest to students all over the world. If you’re interested in biology and its many facets, this article is for you. We’re going to discuss various hobbies for biology lovers that would not only help them to enhance their knowledge on the subject but also pave the way for a brighter future in the field. 

  • Studying Fossils 

More often than not, biology lovers are interested in the study of fossils and their origin. You can visit places that have a diverse spread of both plant and animal fossils. There are some fossil parks as well that provide accurate information about the same. You can make regular visits to such parks and museums that would help you learn more about fossils. Informative hobbies always turn out to be useful if you want to pursue an academic career. Such a hobby would help you in your further studies or if you want to go into research and teaching. 

  • Making A Biological Glossary 

One very common hobby idea for biology lovers is to study encyclopedias and textbooks. However, you could make the process of acquiring information way more intriguing if you make a glossary of your own. You should add a couple of words to your glossary every day. In this way, you’d have all your learning documented and have a biological dictionary of your own that would help you throughout your life. What are you waiting for? Create your glossary right away! 

  • Going On Field Trips 

Going on nature walks and field trips are common hobbies for people who love studying organisms and plants. If you’re interested in zoology or botany, you can visit places that would enable you to observe the functioning of various flora and fauna, thereby enhancing your knowledge. Textbook knowledge is important for sure, but the opportunity of viewing things in real life and being able to witness natural processes can be extremely fulfilling for people who know it’s value.

Hobbies That Can Make You Visibly Smarter

If you’ve spent most of your life with the notion that one’s intelligence quotient cannot be altered, you’ve surely been living in a bubble. You can’t turn into Einstein in a blink, but if you practice certain hobbies that make you smarter, you’d see a difference.  

Becoming smarter can be relative, depending on how much you involve yourself in a hobby. If you do it just for the sake of it, there’s not much you can yield. However, if you put in the required amount of effort, you would end up surprising yourself in the process. If you’re wondering what these life-changing hobbies are, read along! 

  • Solving Puzzles 

Playing games that involve solving riddles, or puzzles, and brain teasers are known to impact one’s intelligence. This happens due to the increase of our brain’s neuroplasticity. Whenever you invest your time in hobbies that make you smarter, your brain develops new ways of solving problems and puzzles. Moreover, according to experts, the more you invest your time in exercising your brain, the lesser the risks of depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. 

  • Learning A Language 

Scientifically, people who can speak multiple languages are smarter than those who can speak in just one. If you are thorough with more than one language, you would not only have a greater horizon than someone who doesn’t, but you would also be more receptive towards your surroundings. Hobbies that make you smarter include learning a new language. Nowadays, most companies encourage their employees to know a foreign language. Thus, it would also be a good hobby to put on your CV. What are you waiting for? Get started already! 

  • Meditation 

Can we include meditation in hobbies that can make you smarter? We surely can. Meditation is a process that’s easier said than done, but once you learn how to do it right, you’re going to find new and unexpected ways of interacting with your thoughts and perspectives. The benefits of meditation are known far and wide but if you want to notice the difference yourself, you have to be regular with it. 


Now that you’re aware of some of the most effective hobbies that make you smarter, it’s your time to brush up your intelligence quotient and surprise all those around you.