Hobbies That Can Make You Visibly Smarter

If you’ve spent most of your life with the notion that one’s intelligence quotient cannot be altered, you’ve surely been living in a bubble. You can’t turn into Einstein in a blink, but if you practice certain hobbies that make you smarter, you’d see a difference.  

Becoming smarter can be relative, depending on how much you involve yourself in a hobby. If you do it just for the sake of it, there’s not much you can yield. However, if you put in the required amount of effort, you would end up surprising yourself in the process. If you’re wondering what these life-changing hobbies are, read along! 

  • Solving Puzzles 

Playing games that involve solving riddles, or puzzles, and brain teasers are known to impact one’s intelligence. This happens due to the increase of our brain’s neuroplasticity. Whenever you invest your time in hobbies that make you smarter, your brain develops new ways of solving problems and puzzles. Moreover, according to experts, the more you invest your time in exercising your brain, the lesser the risks of depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. 

  • Learning A Language 

Scientifically, people who can speak multiple languages are smarter than those who can speak in just one. If you are thorough with more than one language, you would not only have a greater horizon than someone who doesn’t, but you would also be more receptive towards your surroundings. Hobbies that make you smarter include learning a new language. Nowadays, most companies encourage their employees to know a foreign language. Thus, it would also be a good hobby to put on your CV. What are you waiting for? Get started already! 

  • Meditation 

Can we include meditation in hobbies that can make you smarter? We surely can. Meditation is a process that’s easier said than done, but once you learn how to do it right, you’re going to find new and unexpected ways of interacting with your thoughts and perspectives. The benefits of meditation are known far and wide but if you want to notice the difference yourself, you have to be regular with it. 


Now that you’re aware of some of the most effective hobbies that make you smarter, it’s your time to brush up your intelligence quotient and surprise all those around you. 

Interesting And Effective Hobbies For College Students

As students, it’s very important to opt for hobbies that are going to efficiently use up your extra time, while at the same time, look good on your resume. Hobbies for college students should mostly be skill-based and have further scope for future possibilities. 

If you’re pursuing your undergraduate or postgraduate course, and you don’t know what to invest your time in while at it, we’re here to give you some advice. Read along to find out more about hobbies for college students that are fun and fulfilling at the same time. 

  • Gaming 

This is a very common hobby for school and college students since gaming doesn’t necessarily involve the requirement of a computer or expensive games. You can be a gamer, just by owning an android device and having access to the internet. There are several online gaming sites, mobile apps, and downloading features to choose from. The best part? If you’re a pro gamer, you can begin earning money by playing in certain championships and online competitions as well. Thus, if gaming interests you, go for it! 

  • Content Creation 

These terms have become quite popular in recent times, since teenagers, and young adults have also begun to invest their time in creating content. If you want to be a successful content creator, there are specific key factors that you need to keep in mind. You have to be thorough with your niche and have a unique factor that other creators with the same area of interest wouldn’t have. You have to find out ways to impress your target audience. 

  • Social Work 

Community service or social work falls under hobbies for college students and is a very effective way of doing something for your community, and bringing about change. You can work with eminent NGOs, or even form small support groups, to stand beside those who need strong voices to represent them. Moreover, if you’re interested in pursuing a career in social work, this would be a great opportunity for you. 


College life can get very overwhelming, considering that one has to balance both studies and hobbies they’re passionate about. However, the aforementioned hobbies for college students are going to turn out to be quite helpful. 

Introvert 101: Hobbies To Do Alone

Hobbies interest people for various reasons. Some people like to engage in activities, for developing skills, while others simply want to socialize and make new connections while they’re at it. However, some people do not enjoy being in someone’s company for long. Instead of going out to meet new people, they enjoy being alone at home. Do you relate? If you do, you’re an introvert for sure! 

A lot of hobbies involve social interaction. But there are ones that can be done alone at peace, as well. Most introverts tend to be deep thinkers, and they love spending time alone, trying to figure out their thoughts. We’ve got some great hobbies for such individuals. Read along to find out! 

  • Photography 

If you’re an introvert, you would enjoy going out on long walks on chilly winter mornings, with your only companion being your camera. Since such people are incredible listeners and observers, more often than not, they turn out to have very unique perspectives and a great eye for aesthetically appealing frames. 

  • Trekking 

Hobbies to do alone involve solo trekking trips as well, for self-reflection and analysis. While everyone needs to go on solo trips, introverts can make a career out of solo traveling as well. There are a lot of jobs associated with solo trekking and traveling assignments, and what better than being able to interact with mother nature, all by yourself, right? If you enjoy going out alone, give it a thought for sure! 

  • Writing 

Usually, people who like to be in their own company are incredible with words. They like to express themselves through a particular form of art, or through writing. They could either enjoy poetry, or writing novels, or even writing memoirs. Writing is one of the best hobbies to do alone, since it requires little to no resources, and can be done wherever you want to. 


You can engage in hobbies that involve a greater number of people, even if you don’t enjoy conversing much. As long as the people around you respect your boundaries, and let you be alone, you’ll be sorted. 

Unique Hobby Ideas For Kids

Introducing kids to various hobbies is of utmost importance, especially in these times of crisis, when they’re mostly used to doing things online. The lives of children have come down to staring at the screen all day long, instead of going to school and having physical interactions. However, we’ve got to find out ways to make their lives more fun and interesting by engaging them in activities apart from academics. 

If you encourage your child to participate in a diverse range of activities, they might even discover their interests and the hobbies that fascinate them the most. Here are a few unique hobbies for kids to enjoy!

  • Cartoon Drawing 

Most kids love watching their favorite cartoons, both on the television, as well as on OTT platforms. The fictional characters of these shows become their best buddies while all their meals. If your kid is good at art, you can encourage them to recreate their favorite cartoon characters. This would interest your child, and nurture their skills at the same time. 

  • Dancing 

It’s hard to convince young children to participate in physical activities. However, when it comes to dancing, convincing wouldn’t need any effort. Kids love to dance, and there could be no better way to maintain their fitness, while developing other skills as well, such as those of rhythm, the sense of sound, beats, etc. 

  • Storytelling 

Hobbies for kids are not just for the sake of fun, but they help in formulating some of the most essential qualities of life. Children love listening to stories and narrating stories. Encouraging them to narrate stories is a very good way of developing their language and linguistics as well. 

  • Gardening 

Hobbies for kids should always include gardening. This might refer to a whole bunch of things, such as watering the plants, painting flower pots, etc. These hobbies would also ensure that children learn more about plants and their functioning, thus extending their horizons as well. 


We have talked about some of the most unique and essential hobbies for kids that should surely be a part of their daily routines. If you’re new to parenting, introducing these hobbies to your children would certainly make a difference! 

Battle Depression: Hobbies That Are Good For Your Mental Health

With the constant hustle and bustle that goes on in our daily lives, it becomes really important to take out some time for ourselves and hobbies that are good for our mental health. Everybody needs something that would make them feel fresh and alive after a long day of work, instead of a hobby for just killing time. 

If you’re investing your time in doing something, you should do it because it gives you happiness and pleasure. Do you want to know more about hobbies good for mental health, read along till the end! 

  1. Listening To Music 

Not only does music alleviate your stress and depression, but it also uplifts your mood. Music therapy is a scientifically proven method to improve the condition of certain patients and is a quite popular treatment method. Whenever you’re in need of some serotonin, put on your headphones and enjoy the magic of music. 

2. Gardening

Gardening at home

Plants can’t verbally communicate like us but they can surely make your day and mood way better. If you have got a garden at home or even some simple plant pots, you can spend a certain amount of time with them every day. Taking care of your plants and nurturing them would go a long way in sustaining and improving your mental health.

3. Doodling 


If you’re not into conventional forms of art, you can simply invest your time in doodling your thoughts into paper. Doodling can be very satisfying and it helps relax your mood. The best part about doodling is, you wouldn’t need a lot of things to do it. You can just use a regular pen and any piece of paper to express yourself. 

4. Yoga 

We can’t miss out on the importance of yoga while talking about hobbies good for mental health. Yoga is not just a great form of exercise, but it’s also known to rejuvenate our minds by relieving stress and anxiety. 


It is very essential to take care of not just our bodies, but also our minds, especially in these turbulent times. The above-mentioned hobbies good for mental health are going to make your job easier and keep your stress levels in check.